Asylum seekers, immigration | Young conservatives want to stop asylum immigration: – We must avoid what happened in 2015


The Young Conservatives want to eliminate the asylum institute and replace it with many more quota refugees. – Norway cannot violate human rights, responds AUF.

There is a lot of participation in the debate of the program in the Conservative Party. They have already asked for 50 years in prison for terrorism and proposed lowering taxes on alcohol and sweets to reduce cross-border trade.

Now the Young Conservatives are devising their program and want the party to take some additional steps to toughen asylum and immigration policy.

– From what we saw in 2015, we don’t want it to happen again, says central board member Amalie Gunnufsen at Unge Høyre.

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Wants at least 5000 quota refugees

In 2015, more than 31,000 asylum seekers arrived in Norway and more than a million asylum seekers arrived in Europe as a whole. This has made the Young Conservatives want to rethink the entire asylum system.

But the youth party still reserves the right that all of Europe must participate, before making this change.

– All of Europe must participate. This will not work if other Schengen countries open up for it. One of the problems today is that there are few legal ways to get to Europe, Gunnufsen says.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Amalie Gunnufsen in Unge Høyre.

ASYLUM: The new Young Conservatives program proposes to stop asylum immigration. – We must learn from 2015, says central board member Amalie Gunnufsen.
Photo: Young Conservatives

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At the same time that Unge Høyre wants to eliminate the current asylum system, they are nonetheless open to asylum seekers with special reasons to be able to stay in Norway. According to the youth party, this will apply to those in serious danger to life and health, and to applicants for political asylum, as originally intended.

They will also receive at least 5,000 quota refugees a year. This year Norway will receive 3,000 quota refugees.

– The number will depend on the level of asylum policy. There is not necessarily a desire to squeeze. But we cannot have a system that does not open legal avenues to apply for residence in Europe, says Gunnufsen.

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– worrying

Deputy Director Astrid Hoem at AUF believes it is concerning that Unge Høyre is in favor of this policy.

– We live in a turbulent time with a record number of people fleeing everything they own and know. Right now, more than 80 million people are fleeing, and half of them are children, says Hoem.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Astrid hoem

REST: AUF Deputy Leader Astrid Hoem believes the Young Conservatives proposal violates human rights.
Photo: ON

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The AUF agrees that more quota refugees should be collected, but not at the expense of asylum seekers.

– We agree with Unge Høyre that we must host many more quota refugees than at present. But what we disagree with is violating a basic human right by denying people to seek asylum, Hoem tells Nettavisen.

She believes it is troubling that the Young Conservatives are moving in the direction of the Progress Party on asylum policy.

– It’s worrying. It is a human right to request asylum, and we cannot create a system in which each country individually decides for itself what rights people have and what they don’t have, she says.
