– Surprised that he could fall that way – VG


GRAPH TAKEN: Erlend Elias Bragstad has lost almost 30 kilos in less than a year. Now he also feels lighter-minded. Photo: Fredrik Solstad, VG

The celebrity stylist (38) completely changed his lifestyle and now feels like a whole new person. – I’m very, very grateful, he says.

When the famous stylist and television profile Erlend Elias Bragstad gained weight towards the end of last year, the needle showed 95 kilos. At the same time, he was struggling with anxiety and depression, so he decided to change his life.

He tells VG that the first thing he did was stop taking antidepressant medications and by Christmas, he had completely stopped taking the medications.

– That only made me lose ten kilos. In the new year, I started exercising two to three times a week, with the help of a personal trainer and a nutritionist. For the first three weeks, my physical therapist picked me up. If not, he probably would have made up excuses for not exercising, the 38-year-old tells VG.

He continues:

– After a month, it had become so much fun that I was the one waiting for it. I noticed a progression and then you get very adapted.

Do you remember this? Erlend Elias retired from “Farmen kjendis” in 2018:

Now, just over a year later, Bragstad is almost 30 kilos lighter. According to him, it has gone from 95 to 68.5 kilos.

– The body feels like something completely different now. But the most important thing in this has been to put my head in order. The rest will be just a bonus. I didn’t think this would help me mentally, as everyone has said and said for many years, but it was quickly disproved. And then it was about the doctor telling me that my blood pressure and cholesterol were so high that I had to take action.

In addition to his weekly workouts, Bragstad has gone for a walk almost every day. However, he himself believes that 80 percent of weight loss is due to diet change. Send a big thank you to the couple Thea and Preben, who have helped him with both diet and exercise.

– Without them, I don’t think this would have been possible, think.

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In May, he lost his grandmother and thus traveled home with his family to Hamarøy in Nordland.

– I remember we sat around the table. And tears were rolling down my mother’s face! Because I was so happy that I “came back”. Mom has been a great support to me while I was so sick. She has missed me even though I have been “present”. Because although I have been “present”, in reality I have not been. That moment made me feel like it was worth the effort. It was very strong.

Just over two years ago, Bragstad lost his beloved father, with whom he had a very close relationship. Death led him, according to him, to disappear into “a darkness.”

CHANGED LIFESTYLE: The well-known stylist was photographed before starting his new regimen, but at the same time for a time after starting the active diet. Photo: Private

– I started with antidepressants and was a bit “locked in my own body”. I have learned that when you lose someone close, you have to remember those who are left behind. That one not only focuses on the sad ones, but also all the wonderful people who are still here. Instead, I sank and forgot a bit about the ones here, says the stylist, who is surprised to see old photos of himself.

– I think “How in every day could I let it go so far”? Normally I have always been thin, but this has happened gradually. When I saw those role models, I was surprised that I could decay like that, I completely forgot that I looked like this. I thought, “It’s not possible, there must be something wrong.”

NEW REGIME: Everyday life is quite different for Erlend Elias than it was before. He now trains several times a week and actively uses the Lilleaker training park in Oslo. Photo: Fredrik Solstad

– But do not forget that you have been seriously ill, and so diet and exercise are not something you think about.


– It’s sad that it was like that. I have been diagnosed with PTSD and chronic anxiety, and that is something I have to live with. It’s just a matter of trying to keep it under control and taking your precautions. After starting my new lifestyle, I lost both my dog ​​and my grandmother. I think my change made me deal with everything in a more rational way. As a depressed person, you often become very self-centered, because you are in pain and you really have enough of yourself. It is good to be able to go back to being a true older brother and, above all, a good son to Mom.

Now Erlend Elias feels that he has reached the right weight, but still has the goal of maintaining his new lifestyle.

HELP: Preben Danielsen (left) has joined Erlend Elias Bragstad as personal trainer. His wife Thea Helene has worked as a dietitian. Photo: Fredrik Solstad

– I will continue with the training, but I will not lose weight anymore. I also don’t want to be a “bodybuilder”. In any case, it is not the weight loss that I have strived for, it is about having a better life overall. Now I feel almost freshly saved and lighter-minded. Now I want to work more actively with mental health and share my experiences. It’s important for people to understand that you can get back up, he tells VG.

It is diet coach Thea Helene Danielsen at Flexikost who has guided Bragstad on the path to a healthier diet. Danielsen is impressed by the results he has achieved.

– I’m proud of Erlend and the work he’s done, she says.

– He was as low as he could get before starting this trip. From not getting up, ordering food in bed, and hating exercise, to planning, shopping, exercising, and cooking in your own kitchen. And by sharing yourself in this way, you show others that they can do it too.

An important part of effective exercise is diet, and several fitness influencers now rely on this method:

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