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Idar Vollvik was arrested this week by the police, accused of receiving non-medical tissues from abroad that have been repackaged and resold as medical tissues. Sanitary napkins must be sold in Ludostore and Voviclean online stores.

- Feeling persecuted

– Feeling persecuted

Vollvik himself denies his criminal guilt and the case is under further investigation.

– I can guarantee that the nozzles are 100% legal and have all the documentation in order, says Vollvik to Dinside.

However, the Norwegian Medicines Agency has banned the sale of bandages for Vollvik companies :.

Ban on the sale of face masks from Vollvik companies:

The Norwegian Medicines Agency has banned Vollvik companies from selling face masks. This means that they prohibit all marketing and sale of medical sanitary napkins from Vovi AS, Ludo Store AS and Norske Nettbutikker AS. The sales ban takes effect with immediate effect (September 3, 2020). The Norwegian Medicines Agency writes that use can have serious consequences and risks for those who use it and those around them. Companies must inform all customers of the decision. (Read the full decision on the sales ban at the Norwegian Medicines Agency).

They advise consumers not to use Vovi AS and Ludostore products if they need the protection provided by Type I, II or Type IIR medical mouthpieces.

They explain this by saying that they are suspected of being incorrectly labeled and therefore the Norwegian Medicines Agency is not aware of the quality of these products.

– If the label does not match the product, it can give a false sense of security and have serious risk and consequences for the user and those around him. Products marked with Type I, II or IIR medical mouthpieces sold by Vovi AS and Ludostore are suspected of being incorrectly marked and re-marked. The Norwegian Medicines Agency does not know the quality of these products and we do not recommend their use, says Alexander Strømme, senior advisor to the Norwegian Medicines Agency, to Dinside Petter.

In a comment, Idar Vollvik says that only one batch of bandages is incorrectly marked and that this was due to vendor error. Additionally, it says it applies to between 300 and 500 customers, who have been contacted and instructed on how to proceed to have the nozzles returned. Also, it says that you can document that all other parts are correctly marked.

Note: important difference

Note: important difference

– Claim your money back

If You Are So Unlucky You Have Purchased Incorrectly Marked Sanitary Pads – What Can You Do?

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Caroline Skarderud, a lawyer for the Consumers Council, tells Dinside that the Consumers Council has received some inquiries about this by email and so far one inquiry by phone, but that the inquiries have not yet been logged, so they cannot quantify how many there are in total. .

You have the right to make a complaint about a purchase if non-medical sanitary napkins are sold as medical sanitary napkins.

– When a product does not meet the requirements established by law, it is an error for which the seller is responsible. This applies whether the product is not labeled correctly or the product does not actually meet the requirements of the legislation, says Skarderud.

– Therefore, the consumer can complain both about the fact that the nozzles do not comply with the agreement and about the fact that they do not comply with the current labeling requirements, it continues.

You can order the correct product, and if it cannot be delivered, you are entitled to a refund:

– The consumer is entitled in the first instance to a mask that conforms to the agreement. If it cannot be delivered, the consumer is entitled to a money back, Skarderud tells Dinside.

If you have paid by card, you can also direct the claim to the bank if you do not hear the claim from the store:

– If, after a written complaint to a shop or online store, you get nowhere, you should direct the claim against your bank if you paid for the bandages with a card, says Skarderud.

Note: The article has been edited after publication, where statements from Vollvik have been added and where we have removed a section that was based on an anonymous source.
