Bishop apologizes for the confirmation speech of the pastor | ABC News


Reactions to parish priest Bjarne Gustad’s speech to young people have been strong, and now the bishop of Nord-Hålogaland is apologizing for the remarks. At the same time, the parish priest is called on the carpet.

– I distance myself from the message that the priest brought in the service, it does not fit what the church represents. I would like to apologize to the confirmants and their families and guests.says Bishop Olav Øygard in Nord-Hålogaland in a press release.

Supported by Preses

The bishop has the support of the President of the Church of Norway, Olav Fykse Tveit.

– The bishop of Nord-Hålogaland is now handling this case according to church procedures, he says.

The parish priest almost gave a thunderous speech to the young people where he warned, among other things, that same-sex marriage was against God’s creative order, that Norway has an “evil law” that legalizes abortion, and where he warned against women’s lists and that women have a special responsibility for infidelity.

– I cannot regret the word of God

In front of Vårt Land, however, Gustad is holding his own.

– You cannot repent of the word of God. It’s not possible. It is fixed. God is immutable and eternalhe tells the newspaper.

– What do you think of the bishop apologizing on your behalf?

– It must be on your own. I do not understand anything. It’s probably about hurting feelings and things like that, he says.
