Labor Party, Jonas Gahr Støre | The Labor Party after the Giske mutiny in Trøndelag:


The last ten days of riots in the Labor Party are affecting members.

The case is being updated

The uproar in the Trøndelag Labor Party has made headlines.

In less than a week, Trond Giske went from being nominated for number one to being eliminated entirely. Ingvild Kjerkol gained confidence from the ranks of the bank and became the new leader, while AUF continued its protest.

Then a new message of concern appeared, this time from the leader of the nominating committee, Arild Grande.

The online newspaper has verified with the Labor Party office how this has affected members:

– Figures from Monday, August 24, inclusive, to Wednesday, September 2, inclusive, show that 503 people have signed up, Labor Party communications manager Ingrid Langerud tells Nettavisen.

In the same period, 184 people signed up, he says.

Also read: Stephansen: This time Giske is not right in his criticism of the media

Click the pic to enlarge.  Ingvild Kjerkol reacts to the way in which the chairman of the nominating committee, Arild Grande, has behaved.

Aps health politician Ingvild Kjerkol is the newly elected leader of Trøndelag Ap.

Also read: Stavrum: Trond Giske became the symbol of a culture after a dramatic day in Trøndelag Ap

Støre: – Very serious

Last week, several women came forward, something that Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre takes seriously:

– I think the stories of whistle-blowing and young women talking about uncomfortable relationships are very serious, and I take it very seriously. We spend a lot of time on it in the organization, we have updated our regulations and we do ongoing training, Støre told Nettavisen on Monday.


– We will probably never get there, that we can put an end to it and say that now we are done, now we don’t need to talk about it anymore.

Also read: The leader of the electoral committee in the Trøndelag Labor Party promotes report of concern

Give the AUF and women a special role

In this way, Støre promises women and youth:

– These are things that we have to work with continuously, in all schools, and I especially give AUF and Aps Kvinnenettverk a role as the driving force for this. And then we’ll all be responsible for following up, he says.

Watch an interview with Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre on the situation in Trøndelag:
