Outbreaks in Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad, linked to a religious event – VG


NEW INFECTION: Nine new cases of corona infection in Sarpsborg. Here, corona samples in fume cupboards in the Østfold Kalnes Hospital laboratory from the beginning of August. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

A total of 42 cases of infection in Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad are related to a religious event in the days leading up to last weekend. Several hundred people have been quarantined.

The case is being updated.

Nine people tested positive for corona in Sarpsborg on Tuesday. Most date back to the religious event that took place in Sarpsborg a few days last week and this weekend. In recent days, 42 people from the same background in Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad have been diagnosed with corona.

– It is not clear exactly what days it has been happening, but we know that there were some days last week and on weekends, says communications manager E claim Fjellstad in Fredrikstad municipality to VG.

Cases of infection have led, among other things, to extensive quarantine in kindergartens, schools and health institutions. Several hundred have been quarantined.

– We have a good collaboration with the leader of the religious network and we know that the environment is also taken seriously. Everyone who participated in the event has been quarantined. The same goes for several other close contacts. Therefore, we believe we have some control over the situation, says municipal chief doctor Karianne Jenseg Bergmann in Sarpsborg.

The municipality estimates that there were a total of 160 people at the event on different days. They expect more positive tests from the same environment in the coming days.

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Fredrikstad: The infected are two “groups”

Since Saturday, there have been 13 new cases of infection in Sarpsborg and 35 in Fredrikstad. So far it has been revealed that eleven of the 13 in Sarpsborg and 31 of the 35 in Fredrikstad may be linked to the same setting and the religious event.

– Six school levels have been quarantined in various schools in the municipality, says communications manager E claim Fjellstad in Fredrikstad municipality.

The municipality of Fredrikstad sees the outbreak primarily as two different clusters that are part of a common environment. One group can be seen as a large family with 16 cases, and the other group is 15 people who have participated in the religious festival in Sarpsborg.

If there are more links between the two groups, it is one of the clues that the municipality is investigating now.

– We have indications that one or more of the cases in the homes of this large family have had contact with someone who has been on vacation in Sarpsborg, says municipal doctor Sofie Lund Danielsen.

She says there appears to be a limited outbreak at the moment.

– Apart from the number of cases, this is in line with the infection monitoring we do when we have few cases. All cases can be linked to known cases, and so far there is no indication that there is a widespread spread in society outside of these groups. Therefore, we will not take further action beyond the usual infection detection today, he says.

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Municipal superior in infection control: It did not work optimally

Sarpsborg’s municipal chief says they have lists of the families who have participated.

The event featured an organizer responsible for infection control. Bergmann says they are under the impression that they have tried to comply with infection control rules, but that it has not worked optimally.

– But as seen in other events, it is difficult to keep your distance at all times. It was probably here too, he says.

On Tuesday, the municipalities of Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg met with FHI for an overview. There are several close contacts in the municipalities.

– Then we transfer them to each other so that everyone who was there is contacted. They will receive information about the quarantine and will be evaluated, says the municipal chief.

She encourages everyone who has been to the event and who has not yet been contacted to self-quarantine and get tested. According to the municipal supervisor, the organizer also helped inform the participants.

– Everyone should be informed about this now. Our impression is that many have already proven themselves, he says.

Bergmann doesn’t have an overview of how many people have symptoms, but he says that among the people they’ve talked to, most have no symptoms.

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42 INFECTED: Here from the Infection Department at Østvold Hospital in Kalnes, where VG was, and I made a report there in early August. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

– we have control

The municipal doctor considers that the ability to test is good. In addition, the municipality launched an automated online solution on Tuesday to request a test.

– It seems to work well and frees up the capacity of the corona phone, so not everyone needs to call. Also, we are in the process of opening a new test center, he says.

– Do you think you are in control?

– I mean we are in control. We have an overview of the environment and have received information from interested parties. But more infected people may emerge quickly in the coming days, so it’s very important to test, isolate and detect infections with a view to whether there may be other close contacts, he says.

– Have you considered stricter measures as a result of the outbreak?

– No need now. It is continuously evaluated throughout the pandemic based on the local infection situation, but the outbreak we have now does not indicate that we should implement new measures, the municipal chief responds.

On Tuesday, the municipality stated that an employee of the Tingvoll nursing home tested positive for corona. The 12 patients in Ward D have been quarantined and are being examined. The same applies to six employees.

It is not clear if the infection in the nursing home may be related to the religious event.

The case is being updated.

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