sophie elise | Big jump for Sophie Elise: break all records


Controversial blogger Sophie Elise Isachsen has never made more money.

When the question of Sophie Elise Isachsen’s (25) income became a topic in the NRK Debate earlier this year, CEO and Father Jan Olav Isachsen followed the issue.

– No, I don’t have exact figures on that, but Sophie Elise herself never worries about how much money she has, she doesn’t know how much money she has, answered Jan Olav Isachsen to the question of the leader of the debate Fredrik Solvang.

Read more: – My intention has never been to harm others, says Sophie Elise.

The annual accounts of Sophie Elise AS, the company in which the influencer owns 100 percent of the shares, are now available to the public.

Figures show that Harstadværingen made NOK 6.87 million in sales revenue last year, as much as NOK 2.6 million more than the previous year, and far more than the company, which was founded in 2016, has billed.

Online newspaper Økonomi has asked manager Karine Kristoffersen if Isachsen wants to comment on the figures, but we have not yet received a response.

Click the pic to enlarge.  AUTHOR AND ARTIST: Sophie Elise Isachsen announced on January 3 of this year that she will stop blogging after more than ten years as one of Norway's most prominent bloggers.  He has previously published two books and several singles.

AUTHOR AND ARTIST: Sophie Elise Isachsen announced on January 3 of this year that she will stop blogging after more than ten years as one of Norway’s most prominent bloggers. He has previously published two books and several singles.
Photo: Vidar Ruud (NTB scanpix)

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Stopped blogging

The 25-year-old pays a salary of 1.1 million crowns.

Isachsen makes a pre-tax profit of NOK 4.8 million, also a clear record, and receives a dividend of NOK 2 million. The profit is NOK 1.8 million more than in 2018, while the dividend is NOK 1.5 million lower. The rest of the profits are transferred to the equity of the company.

At the beginning of the year, Isachsen announced that he would stop blogging and focus on other projects.

– Last year I got really tired of the blog. Unfortunately. My motivation has waned and I have not been able to prioritize it, because I was simply saddened and therefore could not do anything else, she wrote in her most recent blog post.

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I never had a higher income

After starting out as a blogger about ten years ago, Isachesen expanded her business to the TV2 series Bloggene, where she appeared in six seasons, music and writing. Isachsen has published five singles and two books.

Since Isachsen established the Sophie Elise AS company four years ago, it has had revenues totaling around NOK 19.5 million. It has never had a bigger rotation than in 2019.

In the same period, Isachsen has received dividends totaling around NOK 8.7 million.

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