Getting the dream job is not a right


  • John Petter Stevik (17 years old)

    Member of Unge Høyre

The goal of the education system is not for everyone to get their dream job, but to provide good services to society, writes John Petter Stevik (17) in Unge Høyre. Varfjell, Fredrik / NTB scanpix

If today’s youth need to be empowered to be motivated, it indicates more a lack of discipline.

Say; D post
This is a post by Si; D. Opinions in the text are the responsibility of the writer. Publications can be submitted here.

On August 23, Hedda Aker writes in Si; D that she’s frustrated with the current recording system. She is not alone. The admissions system shatters educational dreams every year, but he wonders if it is rather the expectations of young people, and not the admissions system, that has a problem.

“Students go into high school by taking subjects they may not be interested in to get as high a grade point average as possible.” The statement is taken from Hedda’s article. I find it discouraging that it is considered a problem.

Being able to do boring things to reach your goals testifies to motivation. If the majority of young people today are not willing to work on things that do not interest them, then the society of the future is doomed.

It must be remembered that the objective of the educational system is not for everyone to obtain the dream job, but to provide good services to society.

Fair intake system

The good thing about the current recording system is that it is very predictable and cannot be manipulated. By presenting opportunities for motivation letters and interviews, we make it easier for the person to influence the outcome to a greater extent than the skills. It opens the possibility of appearing better or something different than what it really is. It is a loss for the faithful workers.

John Petter Stevik (17), Young Conservatives. Private

If you want to enter a prestigious study today, you must perform well in all subjects, as did all the other psychology students.

It does not suit the youth of today

Those who entered medicine, psychology, and other prestigious studies have already shown that they are motivated through hard work in high school. If today’s youth need to be empowered to be motivated, it indicates more a lack of discipline.

I believe in honest and fair competition as we have it today, as I believe it creates quality.

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