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The fierce power struggle in the Trøndelag Labor Party is not over. Arild Grande chaired the nominating committee in the county, and did not win at the annual county meeting. But now, once again, he faces what he describes as a culture in Trøndelag Ap.

Grande also submits a formal report of concern to the Labor Party about culture in the party.

– The problems in the party are not only of individuals. These are hidden and unhealthy power structures and that we who have power are too often unaware of how we affect others and how our role and behavior affect the whole party culture. I myself have seen too often that the party has lost members and talents because people do not have the strength to participate in the game, because they have experienced discomfort and because it is better for them to withdraw, Grande writes on Facebook.

Prepared for notification case

Prepared for notification case

– Shock and crushed

He repeats what he said from the rostrum on Saturday, when he went directly against Ingvild Kjerkol and her bid to become county leader.

– I’ve seen people get kicked out, whispered, crushed, some almost perished in an unhealthy party culture. Of course, not everyone will recognize themselves in this image, at least not people who have power and confidence in themselves. But there are people who have not had it, or have had a good time, in our party, writes Grande.

In office, Grande criticizes herself for not having said so sooner, as she also did during the heartbreaking annual meeting of the Trøndelag Labor Party this weekend.

– I have also failed people that I should have defended and who were left alone. That time is over, writes Grande, who is now not seeking reelection in the Storting and is exiting national politics.

For those who have asked what he specifically meant this weekend when asked about his opposition to Kjerkol, he writes that “everyone should own their own story.”

– Several have explicitly asked me not to tell what event they have experienced or what history they have had.

Grande says, therefore, that the process must be carried out internally in the party “and find its solution there.”

– If people want to present their story, it should be just for them, he emphasizes.

– I have not harassed anyone

Kjerkol denies to TV 2 that he harassed anyone.

-I haven’t harassed anyone, he tells the channel.

Kjerkol says he has spoken with the party secretary, Kjersti Stenseng, who is said to have said that no notice had been given about Kjerkol.

– I can’t relate to half-shows and threats that something has something on me. Then I would have become an ineffective politician and a bad leader for those who need me to defend myself, now, says Kjerkol.

THANKS FOR THE CONFIDENCE: The newly elected leader of Trøndelag Ap, Ingvild Kjerkol, arrived with assurances to the members when she delivered the thank you speech before the annual meeting. Video: Trøndelag Ap
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Bitter struggle for power

Arild Grande is the parliamentary representative of Nord-Trøndelag along with Kjerkol, but the two ended up in the middle of a bitter struggle for power.

Grande, as chair of the nominating committee, had to come up with a new recommendation on short notice when Trond Giske lost support as the county’s new leader after new stories about his behavior toward younger women.

Kjerkol sailed as the favorite to take over, but Grande personally put her foot in the nominations meeting and also read in an SMS she had received that there could be warnings against Kjerkol. On Saturday, he openly said at the county’s annual meeting that he, as chair of the nominating committee, could not answer for nominating Kjerkol as the new county leader.

Grande even threatened to notify Kjerkol

Grande even threatened to notify Kjerkol

No Kjerkol alerts

Dagbladet knows that Arild Grande himself threatened the electoral committee by notifying Kjerkol.

Kjerkol still won through a bank proposal and won an overwhelming majority at the county annual meeting.

Dagbladet is aware that there has been no warning in Kjerkol.

Kjerkol does not want to comment on Arild Grande’s proposal on Facebook or the message of concern.

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In Grande’s message of concern to the central party, he asks the party to address the following three points:

  • May those who have had bad experiences get an apology.
  • That a process be started with Trøndelag Labor and the party centrally to clean up the culture that has been debated for a long time, and that plans be developed that can ensure that no one else experiences what the individual has been exposed to.
  • That an ethical standard be developed in the party for people who are awarded leadership positions, with clear requirements on how to work with culture and leadership.

Arild Grande does not want to answer any more questions from the press about the concern report, but once again goes against what she describes as leaks planted in the press.

– Perhaps the simplest would be to say nothing, but I have to follow my conscience, for the good of the party and in the desire to help clean up once and for all, so that everyone can have a good time at our party. write Big.

So far, Dagbladet has received no response to inquiries from the Labor Party leadership.
