Two people charged after the cave party – VG


GET OUT OF CONTROL: Police estimate that up to 200 people may have been at the party. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

Two people are charged after the party that took place on Sunday night at an abandoned shelter on St. Hanshaugen in Oslo.

The two people are currently accused of unauthorized access and remain in the bunker.

Police attorney Julie Wangensteen Lien tells VG that they are continually considering whether the charges should be extended and whether more people will be charged in the case. She does not want to elaborate on what they may extend to or if the police are investigating violations of the Communicable Disease Act.

– What I can say is that we are expanding the investigation and that the first investigation steps are now being taken. It is a serious case and the investigation is in full swing, he says.

Wangensteen Lien adds that the police are in dialogue with the Oslo University Hospital and other actors. They also go through seizures, examine electronic clues, and work to get a full description of who attended the party.

– The bunker itself will be inspected by forensic technicians, he says.

– What are you looking for then?

– Then the team investigators will come in along with the forensic technicians to get an overview of what’s there. Then we’ll consider further investigation steps when we’ve received more general information, says Wangensteen Lien.

The police lawyer cannot say how many interrogations they have carried out, but says more are planned during the week. He also does not want to reply at this point if they have spoken to the party organizers.

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Three people still under surveillance at OUS

Oslo University Hospital on Sunday received 27 people who had been poisoned by carbon monoxide after the party on Sunday night. Carbon monoxide is formed when there is gradually a lack of oxygen in a room where appliances and units that run on gas or diesel are turned on.

Five participants of the party were described as seriously injured, but out of danger. On Monday, three of them remain under observation in the intensive care unit.

So far, five of the 27 patients have been discharged, but the hospital expects more to be discharged during the day.

Oslo police have previously confirmed that they have already been notified of the planned cave party on Saturday morning, but that it was not followed up.

HERE WAS THE PARTY: Forensic scientists will examine the bunker. Photo: Ingvild Silseth

To lose control

According to the police, up to 200 people may have attended the party.

VG has spoken with one of the four organizers, who has said that it was not the intention that there were so many. “It got out of control,” he said, among other things. The organizer also said that he himself had to get the unconscious party participants out of the room.

Vidar Haukeland, managing director of the Lovisenberg Deaconess House Foundation, which owns the property, described the party as “a serious robbery.”

He told VG on Monday that he has spoken to the police, who have informed him that they have cordoned off the area and will conduct investigations.

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