The provocation of SIAN – VG


The police have a demanding job when it comes to protecting freedom of expression; the Norwegian police make a solid effort. Photo: Odin Jaeger

The fringe organization SIAN has once again managed to provoke violent counter-demonstrations. It is bad in itself. The double bad is that the police have also become a target of anti-racist brands.

This is a leader. The leader expresses the attitude of VG. The political editor of VG is responsible for the leader.

The term “useful idiots” has an unclear origin. Occasionally attributed to Lenin, others believe they know it originates from postwar Italian politics. In any case, the definition is the same: people who, without understanding it themselves, are manipulated to do something, often against their own opinion.

Anti-racists who use violence to stop SIAN (Stop the Islamization of Norway) and on the same occasion are going to physically attack the police, obviously do not understand that their actions are a gift package for the other party. SIAN’s goal with its “rape matches” is to create so much evil blood that boils. Its main message is that Islam is a violent religion. Any anti-racist who responds to provocation with dry fists is considered confirmation.

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We cannot fight the fear of Islam with violence

As Agenda advisor Sylo Taraku wrote in a VG article on Saturday, SIAN has been holding its anti-Islamic celebrations for 12 years without anyone caring much. Only recently have SIAN and its opposition radicalized. PST is concerned about possible radicalization of Muslim youth and terrorist acts against Norway in reaction to SIAN’s anti-Islamic statements. This is a concern that everyone should take seriously. SIAN is playing with fire and there is little indication that they do not know what they are doing.
One can use the mind of the one who has it, there is something called. SIAN shows no signs of slowing down its actions. The confrontations with antiracists give them the desired response to the accusation, and with it renewed attention. Again, it is strange that the counter-protesters do not understand what mechanisms are working and that they are the fuel for the fires of the arsonists.

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Abid Raja: – Shit in SIAN, and stay home!

It is legitimate and good. – that people oppose injustice and racism. But Islamophobia and intolerance are not fought with violence. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what SIAN wants to provoke.

Those organizing so-called anti-racists must act and be clearer in their communication with the protesters. There may be elements among those who have a completely different agenda than fighting for equality.

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Police: 29 arrested after counter-demonstration

The clashes in Bergen and Oslo make it clear that there are forces at work that seek to sow distrust between individuals and groups, but also towards social institutions such as the police.

The task of law enforcement is to protect democracy. Including freedom of expression the right to demonstrate. The episodes of violence in recent weekends show that the police make good concessions, even when they themselves are attacked. We have a well-educated police force with a clear understanding of its role in society. We should be happy about that. The international news image has many examples of what can happen when that is not the case, and people lose respect for the police. Then trust is also broken.

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