– It has been a culture to be together 24 hours a day.


The case is being updated.

– It’s not the way we should have it in the Labor Party that you have to go into town and flirt and have fun with the powerful in the party to get caught. This is not how we should feel, and it is very easy to say clearly, Kjerkol said.

On Saturday, she was elected the new leader of the Trøndelag Labor Party following a bank proposal from the Verdal Labor Party.

Kjerkol was chosen with a clear margin to the proposal of the nominating committee, Marit Bjerkås from Rennebu.

On Monday morning she was a guest on Politisk kvarter in NRK.

READ THE COMMENT: – There is still dirt in the Trøndelag Labor Party

– Not the way we should have it

Kjerkol said in the interview that the culture that has now emerged is very strange to many of the Trøndelag members. At the same time, she understands very well what has now emerged from the new stories.

“We have known that it has been a culture to be together 24 hours a day, whether you are completely new to the party or have been with a lifetime and have been a minister and in prominent positions,” Kjerkol said.

He pointed out that in such a culture, the leaders and people in power who go to the city with the AUF after the meeting and who go to nachspiel have a great responsibility.

– The stories that have emerged show that they have not assumed that responsibility in a good way. They have had unlimited behavior in which someone has been offended and has not felt comfortable. The leaders of the Labor Party should not put other people in a difficult situation, where they feel they have to cross their own borders, Kjerkol said.

– Metoo is about the abuse of power. Harvey Weinstein was a producer who gave film roles to young ladies if they slept with him. It’s not the way we should have in the Labor Party that one should go into town and flirt and have fun with the powerful in the party to get you. This is not how we should have it, and it is very easy to say clearly, Kjerkol said in Politisk kvarter.

ALSO READ: AP has not received any alerts in Kjerkol

– A safe culture

Kjerkol was asked if she, who has held office and office in the Labor Party for 25 years, is the right person to cleanse this culture.

Kjerkol then noted that she has held office and office in the Nord-Trøndelag Labor Party until 2017, where she has had good female role models and where she has felt safe.

– I know how to live a good party culture, he said.

He also said that he comes from a culture in which he has reached charges because he has not agreed and because he has raised his voice.

At the same time, he emphasized that the Trøndelag Labor Party is a new county party, and that it is a great job to unite two partisan cultures and build a new team. – I am motivated for that task, said Kjerkol.

– What we can do is build a culture where you feel safe, where those with responsibilities and positions behave correctly. We should not present it as a great challenge. It’s not difficult to behave properly, most people do, Kjerkol said.

ALSO READ: Kjerkol is shaken by the nominations committee

– You just have to register

When Trond Giske entered the rostrum in Steinkjer on Saturday, the 50 members of the AUF marched out of the meeting room in Trondheim. Kjerkol was asked what he thought about it.

– I didn’t realize when it happened. It was a trademark that AUF chose to make, and you just have to register it. Others chose to listen to Trond’s last speech from the rostrum. It is allowed to express different opinions in different ways, Kjerkol said.

– Finally, Metoo made it to Trøndelag, Julie Indstad Hole said at the annual meeting. – Why did it take so long? asked the host.

– The simple explanation was that it was now that Trond Giske was nominated for a new position of trust. Now they became important for those who have experiences and stories to tell what they have experienced, now the great settlement came from AUF, Kjerkol said.

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