Five seriously injured after party in the cave


About 30 people are being treated at the hospital after being poisoned with carbon monoxide during a cave party in Oslo on Sunday night.

For five of the patients, the condition is serious, Oslo police chief of operations Cathrine Sylju tells Dagbladet.

There can be up to 200 participants in the party, which took place in an old shelter in St. Hanshaugen.

Now the police are asking all party participants to report to the health service.

– Postponing it can be life-threatening, even if you don’t have symptoms, operations manager Sylju tells Dagbladet.

Oslo University Hospital write on Twitter that the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are: headache, dizziness, nausea, and almost fainting.

AIR: Firefighters worked Sunday morning inside the cave and to ventilate the shelter. Photo: Øystein Andersen / Dagbladet
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It was carried out

The party was discovered by chance by the police. It was 3:45 when the police operations center received a message from a patrol about street youth outside the entrance to the cave.

The police patrol investigated the case further and entered the cave.

– There they found seven unconscious people, which they carried out, says operations manager Sylju.

At that time, there were between 20 and 30 people left in the cave.

In addition to the party participants, two police officers have had problems with carbon monoxide.

16 PERCENT: The fire brigade measured only 16 percent oxygen inside the cave. Photo: Svein Dybdahl / Dagbladet
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To add

The cause of the carbon monoxide poisoning inside the cave next to the Lovisenberg hospital seems clear:

– There were two units there, which were used for music systems. The carbon monoxide gets through the fuel exhaust into the units, the fire department at the scene told Dagbladet.

– The fire department measured only 16 percent oxygen in the cave. Therefore, we want all party participants, regardless of symptoms, to seek medical attention to measure blood gases and carbon dioxide, says Sylju.

According to the police, various types of drugs have been used during the illegal cave party.

Participants of the party have entered the cave removing a branch and wooden materials, which have closed the shelter for many years.

Dagbladet updates the case.
