– It could have been much worse – VG


S T. HANSHAUGEN (VG) Seven unconscious people were taken to hospital last night after being poisoned with carbon monoxide in a cave in Oslo. For five of them, the condition is critical. According to the police, up to 200 people may have been at the party.

Large police, health and fire forces moved to Colletts gate in Oslo on Sunday morning, where a total of seven people were left unconscious after a party in a cave.

– They have installed portable units and have started them up to power the music. It has developed CO and removed oxygen, and this is why there has been a poor breathing environment there, fire service operations manager Ronny Andersen tells VG.

A total of 25 patients have come to the hospital after the party in question, informs the director of operations André Kråkenes to VG just after 0700 hours. For five of them, the condition is critical.

Two of the patients are police officers who were exposed to the charcoal when they helped the assistants out of the cave.

According to the operations manager, up to 200 people may have been at the party.

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Police task force leader Arve Røtterud says it’s a rave party.

– One of our police patrols was greeted by someone who was sick and needed help. When the patrol got out of the car and spoke to people, there were several who came out of a cave, he tells VG.

Several of the people who came out were also bad, so several police cars and ambulances rushed to the scene.

– It was a rave party in honor of someone who had a birthday. Those we have spoken to are in their 20s and 30s, says Røtterud.

DO NOT ESCAPE: The police task force leader says this could have gone much worse. Photo: Ingvild Silseth, VG

The entrance to the cave measures approximately 1 x 1 meter. When it enters, it first goes down a few meters, before opening.

The cave, which is spacious once you enter it, is approximately 70 meters deep and is shaped like an E, reports the chief of fire department operations to VG. According to him, the cave is an old pump room that is out of order.

– It is a small entrance, but the evacuation went very well. But there were many who were wrong there, says Røtterud in the police.

Several of the party participants helped the police perform the baddies.

– And then the fire department arrived with air, so they could enter without being exposed. They helped with the evacuation and were able to search around the cave together with the police, the leader of the health task, Hans Kristian Jørgensen, tells VG.

LOCKED: Police and firefighters worked at the scene in the morning. Photo: Ingvild Silseth, VG

– It could have been much worse

Since there can be up to 200 people at the party, there are still plenty over which the police have no control.

– Carbon monoxide poisoning must be taken seriously, and several were under the influence of drugs when they left here, says Røtterud.

The fact that several have self-evacuated and left the place is concerning, says the health leader.

– They may have symptoms when they go to bed. If anyone has been to the party and is feeling uncomfortable, I recommend that they contact the emergency room or Ullevål hospital.

NARROW ENTRANCE: The entrance to the cave measures approximately 1 x 1 meter. Photo: Ingvild Silseth, VG

The press officer of the Oslo University Hospital, Anders Bayer, says that the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are headaches, dizziness, nausea and almost fainting.

– If you experienced these symptoms at the party at Colletts Gate and still have them, it’s important to go to an emergency room, he says.

The leader of the police task force is clear that this could have gone much worse.

– There have been many people present at a party, where several say they have used drugs – amphetamines, cocaine and MDMA – with alcohol. So it could have gone worse than it has, says Røtterud.

– There are no escape routes, you are trapped in a cave. It could be scary.

Will close the cave

In the morning, the firefighters brought fresh air into the cave. Getting the oxygen right there is time consuming, says task leader Andersen.

Like Røtterud, he also believes that this could have gone much worse. The police are opening a case in this regard.

– We will also make sure that no one enters the cave again. It is not the intention to go in there, as it can be dangerous, says Røtterud.

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