Giske announces statement at the annual meeting:


TRONDHEIM (VG): This morning the annual meeting of Trøndelag Ap has started. Trond Giske is in place and announces a statement from the rostrum.

On Friday evening, Trond Giske was rejected from the nomination for new county leadership, and Rennebu Deputy Mayor Marit Bjerkås was nominated as the new leader of Trøndelag Ap.

On Saturday morning, Giske appeared at Trøndelag Ap’s annual meeting, even though his post is no longer part of the updated schedule.

– Are you going to say something today? the press asked him about it.

– Yes, I do, says the former Labor director on his way to the meeting room at the Clarion Hotel in Trondheim.

– You’ll say?

– You’ll hear it from the rostrum.

– Do you feel welcome?

– Yes, I always feel welcome when I come here. I have received many nice messages and text messages.

– What do you want to invent now?

– We’ll have to look at that, I’m in no rush to find out.

– Do you have a year left at the Storting?

– Yes, I have, answers Trond Giske.

Thanks Giske

Trøndelag Labor Party leader Per Olav Hopsø opened the annual meeting.

– There is no doubt that you, Trond, have made an enormous political effort. A lifetime since the Trondheim AUF years in the 1980s. He has been the region’s top politician for decades. For your efforts as AUF leader, parliamentary representative and minister, you deserve great thanks, said Per Olav Hopsø from the rostrum, to great applause in the hall.

He also spoke out against the culture and situation the party has been in for the last week.

also read

Trond Giske: not seeking re-election in the Storting

– There is a great responsibility in the new board, together we will create a culture where people feel safe. Many have felt despair and despair over what is happening and the violent personal focus on the party. It has turned minute by minute into a Trøndelag Labor Party. Not exactly how she had imagined it would be a week ago, said Hopsø, who cautioned against exchanging words on social media.

– What we can say, or write, scares me in this context. Both about the people and about the party. That is not what I joined the Labor Party for. A great responsibility falls on the new board. But there is also a great responsibility for all of us who hold positions of trust in the Labor Party. Together we will create a culture that makes people want to sign up, Hopsø said.

Give up

Trond Giske announced Friday that he will not make bank proposals and will not take a new term. The Facebook message was published shortly after the Trøndelag Labor Party electoral committee appointed Bjerkås as the new leader.

Giske was unanimously nominated for county leader on Monday, but Trøndelag AUF announced Thursday night that they were withdrawing their support for Giske, and the committee was called to an emergency meeting.

also read

Labor appeal: – Trond Giske shouldn’t gain new confidence in party outposts

– It is impossible to find yourself in a situation where neither basic legal norms nor press norms apply. This does not end, people can without documentation make accusations against me every time I apply for political office. It happened last year, it’s happening again now, and it could happen in the future, Giske wrote on Facebook.

– Therefore, together with my family, I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer be in this, nor in a new appointment to the Storting. The load becomes too great. I feel sorry for everyone who supports me and encourages me to stand up. I would like to follow the call and help build a good and strong Labor Party. Unfortunately, this is not possible, writes Giske.

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