Almost free for boaters traveling to Sweden


The Chief of the Naval Police Service: -We appeal to people’s reason and sense of responsibility.

The case was submitted by the Royal Norwegian Sailing Association

Normally, there is a lot of traffic and heavy hauling in the border archipelago between Østfold and Bohuslän during the summer months of June, July and August. An even bigger trend is expected this summer, as many boaters, who generally spend their vacations abroad, will prioritize more time at sea this summer. Also, many boat dealers are reporting an increase in boat sales lately, to people who may not have had a boat before and who choose to try this vacation form due to the crown situation.

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Long sea border and many tourists by boat

The quarantine rules, which the authorities have decided to apply until mid-August, say that if you have been abroad (also in Sweden), you must be right in a one-day quarantine. It involves staying away from others (other than members of your own home), not going to school or work, not taking public transportation, and just making essential purchases from businesses and pharmacies. However, some exceptions are made to quarantine provisions. Among other things, there is an exemption for those who, for example, work in Sweden and live in Norway.

– How will the police control the large waters between Norway and Sweden, and perhaps thousands of boat tourists traveling in the area? These are much larger areas in the sea, than having control over, e.g. E6, where are all the cars locked up at the customs station for inspection?

– If you have been to Sweden and are covered by quarantine regulations, it is your responsibility to comply with this. The main task of the police is to report on quarantine regulations. We deliver an information form to people when we meet with them, says the head of the police station Ivar Prestbakken in the Fredrikstad police station district, who is responsible for the naval police service in the border waters into Sweden.

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Click on the photo to enlarge. Ivar Prestbakken and Chris Kempinger on board the new modern police service ship.

Ivar Prestbakken (center) flanked by police officers Aksel Smestad Jacobsen (t.v.) and Chris Kempinger on board the new and modern police service ship.
Photo: police

He agrees that there are vast areas in the sea and a completely different challenge to maintain control there rather than on land.

– The sea border is long, and there is obviously less overview here than at E6. It is difficult to control everything. But we have planned the maritime service, and with our new modern police boat we have also increased capacity and range, says Prestbakken.

– During the biggest holidays, we have several service kits by. 24 hours in the police boat, and then we have a smaller boat parked in Skjærhalden as well, he says.

Travel to Sweden is not prohibited.

– How will you ensure that boaters really comply with quarantine rules, if they have been in Sweden?

– It is not prohibited to enter Sweden for Norwegians. After all, the Swedes have not closed their borders. However, the condition is that upon returning to Norway, you must comply with the quarantine provisions, which are ten days, says Prestbakken. This also means that Norwegians who have the boat in circulation in Sweden have a chance to get it back, but must quarantine as soon as they return to Norway.

– If you are going to quarantine, do you have to go home to quarantine there?

As long as you follow the quarantine rules, it doesn’t matter where you stay. You don’t have to go home, but you can be in your own boat as long as the distance rules etc. are met, says Prestbakken.

– Can sailors experience random control at sea?

– We also have random checks. Then you are in a position to navigate, speed limits are met, alcohol is applied, the use of the life jacket and safety. The only difference now is that we have additional focus on the crown, says Prestbakken.

The case continues below.

– What if you have talked to some people about the boats that have been in Sweden, and later in the evening they meet again, where they clearly have not complied with quarantine regulations?

– With repeated violations of quarantine regulations, fines and notifications may be necessary. But we are not there yet. The police have chosen a soft approach. We appeal to people’s reason and sense of responsibility, says Prestbakken, who emphasizes that it is people’s responsibility to comply with quarantine regulations.

The Chief of Police also affirms that many regulations and regulations are the result of a certain rush, given the special situation in which we find ourselves, and that the exercise of authority therefore entails some discretion. The police have no experience to support themselves in this situation.

– What about the opposite case, where for example? run into swedish ships in Norwegian waters?

– Temporary border control at the internal Schengen border (air, land and sea border) has been reintroduced. This means that all foreigners (including Swedes) who are not exempt from expulsion (in accordance with the rules on expulsion of foreigners without residence permit for public health reasons) will be expelled and will not be allowed to enter Norway .

– Those who work in Norway have legal access. It is not possible to go here on vacation. There are some Swedes who work in Norway and therefore have a real reason to travel across borders. Norway is mainly closed for vacations and leisure travel, emphasizes the police station commander.

Click on the photo to enlarge. The new police police boat in the beautiful Østfold archipelago. The ship has great capacity and range.

The new police police boat in the beautiful Østfold archipelago. The ship has great capacity and range.

The police cooperate closely with the Customs Service and the Coast Guard, which also have their own ships. According to Prestbakken, there is no formal cooperation with the Swedish police in relation to the crown crisis, apart from the usual cooperation.

– What advice would you give to anyone who intends to vacation in the archipelago this year?

– Adhere to current rules. Despite the uncertainty and contagion situation, it is not illegal to travel to Sweden, but keep in mind that one must include a one-day quarantine in the calculations.

Ivar Prestbakken is not only the commander of the police naval service, he is also an avid sailor in private and has even thought about going to sea during the holidays.

– I’ll go out and navigate by myself. Admittedly, I’m not sure where the trip is going, but at least you’ll be sailing. It won’t be until the last part of the holiday, until August, says Prestbakken, who is also a member of the Swedish sailing association “Sägelsällskapet Åmålsviken”.

– The reason is that I have many relatives on my wife’s side in Sweden, and I have sailed a lot in the neighboring country.

The sailor-friendly police chief will eventually say the following to KNS members and others who share his love of the sea and sailing;

– I wish you all a good summer at sea!
