– Will not use force to divide large groups – VG


NO KING WIN THIS YEAR: Police Chief Benedicte Bjørnland in an empty Palace square a few days before the May 17 celebration. Photo: Mattis Sandblad, VG

Those who break the advice of health authorities about the number of people gathered in one place will receive nothing more than a “police friendly recommendation”, while it is extremely important that people continue to follow the advice.

This is stated by the police director Benedicte Bjørnland.

– We don’t have crews for that. We have no basis for it. And we don’t want these houses either. We don’t want to be a police force to get in and get people to follow the advice of the authorities, she says.

VG finds her in a public castle in the capital a few days before May 17. The place in Oslo where on National Day I would generally cheer happy and satisfied children with waving flags this year will be completely empty.

No king and queen greeted their royals by saluting from the balcony, and the children did not cheer.

– Obviously this will be a different celebration this year, and so is the police.

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The castle square closed to the public on May 17.

THE TRAIN IS CANCELED: on May 17 of this year it will take place without the traditional children’s train, which used to go up to the Palace Square and pass the Castle. Photo: Mattis Sandblad, VG

The responsibility of the organizers.

Last week it became clear that the government is opening private collections of five to twenty people.

At larger events, fifty people are also open, if a responsible organizer is behind. However, if the number exceeds the recommended number, the police will not intervene. Not in restaurants, parks, bars or private events.

– We look forward to helping make it a safe and enjoyable celebration on May 17th. And we are going to prioritize a presence, where we have information, that will unite people. But it is above all the organizer, for example, those who have a night out, it is their responsibility that people adhere to the general guidelines given by the health authority.

Breaking the councils away from the authorities is not a criminal offense. But the advice is made to protect Norwegian citizens, and therefore the police expect people to follow them and think about the vulnerable around them, he says.

However, if you violate the quarantine rules, both can be fined and execute the prison sentence.

Also read: Here you can see what rules apply to you

– If we see that, for example, there are obviously more than fifty pieces assembled in a public place, which contradicts the recommendations of the health authorities, we will give a friendly recommendation that the collection be dissolved. The public must think that the infection can spread and suddenly hit the person who definitely should not be infected and where the result can be fatal, says the police director, repeating:

– This is something we do for the best in the community, so we will give advice and guidance, but we will not use force to divide larger groups on May 17. We do not have the authority for this unless the situation becomes a disruption of order. Or, for example, we are faced with a situation where someone obviously breaks the quarantine or the isolationist order. Then the police can intervene.

THE CARDOOM LAW: Police Director Benedicte Bjørnland urges people to think of others other than themselves on May 17 and to follow the authorities’ advice on infection control. Photo: Mattis Sandblad, VG

Will be armed police

In recent years, Oslo has grown accustomed to seeing heavily armed police officers on the streets on May 17. The side streets to Karl Johan, where the children’s train runs, have been blocked and large police cars have lined up.

We won’t have that opinion this year, “says Bjørnland.

– There are also security measures this year, but we will not have to train any child, so the visible expression will be somewhat less.

ROCKED BY THE STREET: Armed police officer who saw the boy train in Oslo in 2019. Photo: Vatn, Ola / NTB scanpix

There will still be armed police, but not across the country, she says.

– We relate to the threat assessments we receive from PST, and there are no significant changes here. The PST describes the possibility of a terrorist attack in Norway. Both from the point of view of extreme Islamists and right-wing extremists. There is nothing in the evaluation that indicates that we should significantly change police action.

– And this will not make you put something extra in relation to May 17?

– We also have enough people this year, both visible police and civil police. As we always do. But the details of various measures we do not want to enter.

The local police decide

Under the general guidance given by the Police Directorate, on National Day, it will be the local chiefs who will decide the details. Therefore, the director points out that there will be local variants, based on local conditions.

– It is important for me to say that we want people to follow the advice of the health authority, and think that, after all, this is “children’s day”. But, of course, one must celebrate and have fun, and at the same time think that we have a shared responsibility to prevent infection in the population.

Also read: FHI: Grandparents May Visit May 17

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