Efforts against “daytime speculators”, except for the May 17 event in Slottsplassen and testing for all


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On Wednesday, Justice and Emergency Management Minister Monica Maeland, Health and Care Minister Bent Høie, Deputy Director of Health Directorate Espen Nakstad and Department Director of the Institute of Public Health (FHI) Line Vold were present at the government press conference on the crown situation.

Here are some highlights from today’s press conference:

Family members of EEA citizens are admitted

Last Thursday, the government announced that seasonal agricultural workers in third countries and an extended group of EEA citizens could enter Norway.

– This regulation went into effect yesterday. This means that a group of relatives of EEA citizens living or working in Norway, and EEA citizens who are relatives of Norwegian citizens, can now travel to Norway, Justice Minister Meland said.

The group includes, among other things, spouse, partners, fiancé, children and grandchildren.

– We still haven’t got rid of the virus. This means there will still be ten days of quarantine for those who come to Norway, Maeland said.

The “exploiters of virtue” must be taken

– We have presented a series of financial measures and confidence-based packages. And it is a trust to which most people are loyal, the Minister of Justice said.

However, he emphasized that so-called “daytime speculators” should not escape.

“Crime must be discovered, investigated and punished,” said Mæland.

According to Mæland, the police have now multiplied the number of employees working with crimes at work.

“There is a high level of activity with checks, intelligence and investigations,” said the Minister of Justice, who also reported that the police have closed several companies that have received support but are not registered in the VAT registry.

May 17 event in Slottsplassen will be exempt

There will be an event on May 17 at Slottsplassen this year as well. Therefore, the Castle has been exempt from the ban on congregations of more than 50 people. The event must be broadcast on television.

– The other rules for public events apply. It must be at least a meter away, it must be possible with good hand hygiene, the organizer must have an overview of who will be present and there must be good infection control measures, said the Minister of Health, Høie .

He stressed that the Palace Square will be closed to the public.

“We want the surrounding area to be as public as possible,” said the Minister of Health.

Test if you suspect infection

High also urged people who suspect they are infected with the corona virus to get tested.

– Until now we have had to prioritize those whom we have been able to evaluate, therefore, we have not evaluated those who have had mild symptoms and who have managed well at home.

“Now we are beginning to see that municipalities have the ability to screen everyone who may be infected,” said Høie.

Therefore, he urged those who suspect that there is a contagion to investigate how the test can be done in their municipality.

Infection monitoring in municipalities is still important.

– Norway is among the landers with the fewest new cases of infection, said Espen Nakstad of the Health Directorate.

– At the same time, there is still someone we do not know where is infected.

Nakstad emphasized that it is therefore still important to detect infections in municipalities and follow current infection control rules.

“This is an effort that gives us all a reward in the form of a more normal life,” said Nakstad.

It’s still a bit early to say something about the impact of the relief

“The infection situation in Norway is still stable and there is a low spread of infection in the population,” Line Vold of FHI said at the press conference.

– We still can’t see that relief has any negative effect on infection rates, but it is still too early to say.

Because the figures presented by the FHI reflect the infection situation at some point, this may change.

– Therefore, we have said that we expect a certain movement in the infection figures, and we are monitoring the situation extremely well, Vold said.
