Have a clear idea of ​​Hagen’s motive


Hagen is charged with murder or complicity in the murder of Anne-Elisabeth Hagen (69), who denies criminal charges.

The 70-year-old himself explains that it has nothing to do with the disappearance of his wife.

At the same time, he believes that the police are wasting valuable time investigating him, time they could spend finding his wife.

Although Hagen was released on Friday, police maintained charges against him.

To the public, the evidence the police rely on is still unknown.

Indicate reason

Tom and Anne-Elisabeth Hagen have been repeatedly mentioned by neighbors and friends of the married couple as happy couples. In public, they have asked why Tom Hagen wanted his wife to die.

Police have so far declined to respond if they believe they found a motive for the alleged murder case, but on Wednesday, prosecutor Haris Hrenovica relaxed a bit.

– Do you have an opinion on what should be the motive of the two accused in the case?

– Of course, we have made a decision on the reasons, but that remains in the investigation, says Hrenovica.

– Does that mean you have a clear idea of ​​what the subject can be?

– Yes, that is correct.

What should be the reason, the police do not want to intervene.

The defender of the man in his 30s, lawyer Dag Svensson, tells TV 2 that it is difficult to comment on the police work without knowing what they put in the motive.

The man’s indictment has changed from murder to complicity to severe deprivation of liberty. He still denies the criminal charges.

Tom Hagen’s defense attorney, Svein Holden, has not answered TV 2’s questions.

New round in court

Police are still working on the records at Hagen’s home.

Holden believes that the police have not followed the law. Therefore, he has brought the case to court.

“The Criminal Procedure Law provides all defendants with an important guarantee of legal security: the police cannot enter their private homes for no apparent reason,” Holden wrote in a text message to NTB.

Reasonable suspicion is believed to be more likely that Tom Hagen is involved than not.

– I think the defender is doing his job. If we believe we are not authorized to do so, you should be tried in court. We obviously don’t agree with him, says police attorney Hrenovica.

– When will Hagen move home?

“It depends on the police investigation and the work being done in Sloraveien,” he says.

Hrenovica does not want to respond if the police control Hagen’s movements today.

The Lower Roman District Court is expected to issue a ruling on the search Thursday morning.
