Government launches child welfare reform – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


The move of state tasks to the new counties was one of the proposals that a government-appointed committee of experts chaired by Professor Terje P. Hagen submitted in 2018.

The argument was that the larger counties would give them the capacity and the competence to handle the state’s child welfare tasks.

On Tuesday, May 12, the government presents the municipal proposal for 2021. NRK knows the content of the proposal where the government will make it clear that they will not be transferring child welfare tasks to the counties.

After the government sent the regional reform proposals for consultation, it became known that the consultation bodies were divided in opinion on the transfer of tasks.

The result of the consultation was that it was decided to investigate the matter further. According to NRK information, city minister Nikolai Astrup (H) announced on Tuesday that the government is withdrawing the plans.

Adopted three years ago

The regional reform was adopted by the Storting on June 8, 2017. Among other things, it meant that 19 counties merged into 11 on January 1, 2020.

The merger should allow tasks to be transferred to new and larger counties.

Second time in a week

It is the second time in a week that the government is changing plans to transfer tasks to the regions.

Last Tuesday, the government abandoned the proposal to transfer more cultural responsibility to the county’s municipalities. That proposal was also part of the regional reform.

“Based on the extensive dialogue we have had with the regions and with the various institutions, we have concluded that we will not proceed with the proposals for regional reform in the area of ​​culture,” Culture Minister Abid told NRK Raja.
