The plan to guarantee the total payment of the dismissal is delayed – E24


Nav says they were “too optimistic” and warns that the pay compensation scheme will be delayed.

Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix


Nav is working to find a solution that will pay the money as quickly as possible, according to a press release.

The Storting adopted amendments to the regulations for laid off workers in March. These changes mean, among other things, that the period of employers with payroll obligations has been shortened, from 15 to 2 days.

The changes also mean that from day 3 to day 20 they have established demands to cover their salary up to 6G (just below NOK 600,000). This scheme should basically be in force in May.

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Hub sorry

– We were too optimistic. We were hoping to be able to complete the app function these days, but we will need more time. We regret that, and we have a great understanding that this is difficult for those affected. We work diligently with the ministry to find solutions that allow us to pay compensation as quickly as possible, Nav’s emergency preparedness manager Yngvar Åsholt says in the report.

According to Nav, other technical requirements are set for the new benefit, compared to the prepaid scheme for unemployment benefits, which went into effect in a few days.

– In addition, we assumed that we could trust the income information that employers have reported to the Tax Administration through scheme a. It has been found that scheme a cannot provide us with all the information we need to pay compensation. This would have led to a series of incorrect payments and many would not have received the money they are entitled to, Åsholt says in the message.

Now, those who expect compensation and are in a difficult financial situation have two opportunities to request money, explains Nav.

– Those who are entitled to unemployment benefits can apply for unemployment benefits. For those who have not obtained rights to this, it is possible to apply for financial social assistance, Åsholt says.

The case is being updated.

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