Shots in the Bærum Mosque, Philip Manshaus


He also did several searches for weapons on

Last week Nettavisen reported the news to unknown images of the terrorist Philip Manshaus.

When he carried out the terrorist attack last fall, he was wearing protective gear, a helmet with a GoPro camera, a NATO sweater, and a bulletproof vest.

Nettavisen’s documents show that Manshaus was sent to the bulletproof vest two days before the attack.

This is stated in a hitherto unknown report from the Customs Intelligence Center, which is except public.

Here you can read everything about the terrorist case in Bærum.

The father considered reporting

Vernevest imported and delivered the recipient on August 8, 2019. The NAVO Group sender who sells products through the XXX website. This is a sender. The Customs Administration knows that individuals are importing protective vests from, It says in the report.

Manshaus is also alleged to have obtained the GoPro camera, which he used to film the terrorist attack, a few days before attacking. Shortly before the terrorist attack, he attempted to join the neo-Nazi organization of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

It was on August 10 of last year that he killed his half-sister Johanne Zhangjia Ihle-Hansen, who is adopted from China. In an interview, Manshaus explained that he killed her because she is not a “Nordic race”.

Also read: Unknown messages from deceased stepsister: “Philip is racist and hateful. I do not feel safe “

Click the pic to enlarge. The image shows blood stains after basketball when Phillip Manshaus entered the Al-Noor Islamic Center mosque on Skui in Bærum.

The photos show bloodstains and bullet holes after the shooting and basketball when Phillip Manshaus entered the Al-Noor Islamic Center mosque on Skui in Bærum.
Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

He then carried out a failed terrorist attack against the Al-Noor Mosque in Bærum. In his interrogation, Manshaus stated that he wanted to kill as many Muslims as possible, which he also repeated during his court statement.

The lawsuit against him started last week, in the Asker and Bærum district court. He is accused of both acts and admits to having carried them out. He still denies the criminal charges.

In court, it was also learned that Manshaus’s father was considering reporting him or sending a message of concern to police after receiving the bulletproof vest.

In documents to which Nettavisen has access, police reports also indicate that it conducted several searches for weapons in His searches include “air rifle”, “old bat”, “old revolver” and “old air rifle”.

Also read: Manshaus should have planned a terror attack in downtown Oslo

Click the pic to enlarge. The photo shows the terrorist Philip Manshaus lying on the floor of the mosque with two police officers holding him on his upper body and legs after he was arrested and controlled by the police. They had to rip his clothes to make sure he had no more weapons. Nettavisen has access to the images, but reproduces them as a drawing for reasons of source protection.

Philip Manshaus on the floor of the mosque after he was arrested and controlled by the police. They had to rip his clothes to make sure he had no more weapons. Nettavisen has access to the images, but reproduces them as a drawing for reasons of source protection.
Photo: Drawing: Siv Grethe Bøhn-Pettersen / Amedia

– Nice weapon you have

In June 2019, shortly before requesting the Norwegian resistance movement from the neo-Nazi organization, he contacted a man through Finn to buy a compressed air rifle.

“Hey! Nice rifle you have there, I see you wrote that it is in good condition, but chances are I still have to do some preventative work to make it last a little longer, have you opened the rifle and looked at spring? With pleasure I will buy it for 500.- Sincerely, Philip Manshaus », the terrorist wrote in a message about Finn.

The additional correspondence shows that the price and time of the agreement were agreed, but does not document that the purchase has been completed.

Also, it is not illegal for people with a gun card to buy and sell guns to each other as long as they are registered. In reports to which Nettavisen has access, Manshaus is claimed to have received a gun license for a compressed air rifle in 2017. It is unknown whether the person who was to sell the gun to Manshaus had a firearms permit.

Also read: Philip Manshaus has planned a terrorist attack in the center of Oslo

Both Manshaus defense attorney Unni Fries and state prosecutor Johan Øverberg say they will not comment on information that has not been presented in court.

During the investigation, the police did extensive work mapping the terrorist’s internet search, including purchases and who he contacted. The police secured the bank statements of all his accounts, all the transfers he had made in the Vipps payment service, communication on social networks and in various online forums.

What activities it has carried out has also been outlined. Reports reveal that Manshaus was a member of the Greater Oslo Shooting Club.

Also read: PST Report: Therefore, they did not follow advice on the terrorist Philip Manshaus

No one indicates

In the period between April 21, 2018 and July 9, 2019, you must have been there 13 times.

So the last visit was a month before he committed the murder and the act of terror.

A witness has stated in a police interview that Manshaus became a member on April 4, 2018 and took an approved security course on April 11 of the same year.

When Manshaus appeared in court on Thursday, he lamented his right-wing extremists. for not doing more damage during the terrorist attack. Nor did he express remorse for the murder of his stepsister.

Manshaus was found criminally responsible by three experts. In conversations with them, he also said he regretted not killing more during the terrorist attack.

He used his father’s weapons to kill Johanne and carry out the terror. No one was seriously injured in the mosque. Manshaus was overpowered and beaten by two older men. At the first prison meeting, two days after the terrorist attack, he was beaten and had obvious injuries to his face.

Click the pic to enlarge. Muhammad Rafiq (t.), Who dominated terrorist Philip Manshaus in the mosque, leaves the district court along with his assistant lawyer, Abdul-Satar Ali, after testifying in the case.

Muhammad Rafiq (t.) Leaves the district court with his assistant lawyer, Abdul-Satar Ali, after testifying in the case.
Photo: Alexander Vestrum / NTB scanpix

Jar thrown in the head

The Norwegian Pakistani who beat Philip Manshaus at the Bærum Mosque, declared himself in the Asker-Bærum District Court on Friday.

– I kept it all the time. He almost ran away three times, and then I thought if he sneaked once, he was dead, said Muhammad Rafiq, 66.

According to the indictment, Manshaus was overpowered by Rafiq before he managed to loosen the shooting. In the basket he fired two shots with the shotgun without hitting anyone, he says.

– When he fired both shots, I grabbed him. When I grabbed it, it lost ammunition and both weapons, and then I threw it to the ground, Rafiq said.

He said Manshaus had stabbed him in the eye, kicked him in the foot, and spat on him.

The 66-year-old man explained that one of the three men left the mosque, while Mohammad Javed Iqbal, 75, threw a rifle flask at Manshaus’ head.
