Norwegian Trade Fair Challenges Infection Protection Standards: Will Gather 6,000 Visitors


Commercial director Liv Kindem of the Norwegian Trade Fair enters an empty large hall at the Lillestrøm exhibition center. After canceling his own events like “The Sea for All”, “Camp Villmark” and “The Garden Fair” as a result of infection prevention measures, Kindem is preparing new fairs that the Norwegian Trade Fair believes can be brought out safely.

– Here we have 40,000 square meters to have fun. There is more than enough space to hold various events, says Kindem.

For three days in late August, the Norwegian Trade Fair plans to host the annual interior design and gift fair “Oslo Design Fair”. Last year, more than 11,000 attended the fair.

“The government ban on participants of more than 500 people will not apply to the Oslo Design Fair, as the event will take place in a slightly different way,” writes the Norwegian Trade Fair.

– We have made some important changes to the program and we have a good dialogue with the authorities and we are considering additional measures as the situation develops, Kindem says.

She estimates that there will be a total of 6,000 visitors to this fair, an average of 2,000 per day.

Turn your thumb down

The fair is being planned while the government has banned the holding of events with more than 500 people in the period from June 15 to September 1.

The Ministry of Health and Care is rejecting the fair.

“With today’s rules, this agreement cannot be implemented. On May 7, events with up to 50 participants were allowed in a public place, where participants can stay at least a meter away and where there is a responsible organizer. This applies to all kinds of events, including trade fairs. Starting June 15, events open with up to 200 people will be aimed at, “writes Per Aubrey Tenden, senior advisor to the Ministry of Health and Care Services in an email electronic”.

The Norwegian Trade Fair responds that they want to dialogue with all relevant authorities to ensure that the event can be carried out safely and robustly.

“But we believe that the Ministry of Industry is the correct ministry as we classify trade. We will only hold the Oslo Design Fair if we can be absolutely sure that it is safe for our guests. So far, dialogue with the police and municipal consultants has been good. Therefore, we assume that the Oslo Design Fair is feasible and ready to take practical steps to meet existing or new requirements from the authorities, ”Kindem writes in the email.

Mayor Jørgen Vik (Ap) in the municipality of Lillestrøm

Mayor Jørgen Vik (Ap) in the municipality of Lillestrøm

Mayor Jørgen Vik (Ap) in the municipality of Lillestrøm emphasizes that the organizer of the fair is responsible for complying with national and local infection control regulations in consultation with, among other things, the municipal doctor.

– They should consider whether or not the fair can comply with infection control rules. It is clear that if around 6,000 visitors come to the fair in three days, it is significantly more than what authorities have established for events in public places, says Viken.

“It is stupid and stupid”

The planned gift and interior fairs were a surprise to some. Co-founder Elisabeth Heian of Danish wholesale company Vinding & Co regularly participated in the gift and interiors fair with product displays.

- We think this is weird, co-founder Elisabeth Heian of Vinding & Co says about the fair in August.

– We think this is weird, co-founder Elisabeth Heian of Vinding & Co says about the fair in August.
(Photo: Private)

– Until now, the Health Directorate recommends cultural and sports events with more than 500 participants for September. However, the Norwegian Trade Fair will host the Oslo Design Fair. We think this is strange, says Heian.

She notes that several large overseas fairs that were scheduled for June and July have been canceled due to the crown situation. Oslo Design Fair is a major fair for the company with 10 employees and a turnover of almost DKK 30 million.

– It means a lot to us, since the Norwegian market represents more than 50 percent of our sales.

– How would you characterize the invitation of the Norwegian Trade Fair?

– It’s stupid and stupid. Many of the exhibitors at this fair are Danish. As long as national borders are closed and with current quarantine regulations for people coming to Norway, the dream scene of the Norwegian Trade Fair is unrealistic, says Heian.

“Save Jobs”

The management of the Norwegian Trade Fair removes criticism.

“We don’t see this as silly and we don’t do it for fun, but to help get the wheels started again,” says Kindem.

She emphasizes that the Oslo Design Fair is the most important meeting place in the interior and design industry.

– This year’s event may be the most important of times because this gathering place can save jobs across the country. That is why we have decided to implement a simplified Oslo Design Fair, says Kindem.

He adds that if the contagion situation changes so that the fair is canceled in August, the Norwegian Trade Fair will refund the standard fees also for the Oslo Design Fair.

– It must be completely risk-free for exhibitors to register. Therefore, on our own initiative, we close all our activities in March and will only open for events that can be carried out in accordance with the authorities’ recommendations, Kindem says.

She emphasizes that the government’s ban on making arrangements for participants of more than 500 people can be accommodated.

– As a result, we will not organize a professional program or a trend program. Therefore, this year’s event will be more like a shopping arena, like a shopping mall for merchants who will fill store shelves before Christmas begins, Kindem says.(Terms)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We want you to share our cases using a link, which links directly to our pages. Copying or any other use of all or part of the content may only be made with written permission or as permitted by law. For more terms see here.
