West Country must defend West Country


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Bridge or ferry across the Bjørna fjord? It’s about more than that, issuers write. Photo: Alice Bratshaug (Archive)


  • Pål W. Lorentzen and Geir Inge Lunde

    Founders of Initiativ Vest: a creator of ideas for western Norway

The County Committee in Vestland his degradation of Hordfast is a fall for central power and a threat to the future of the West.

Why should we be forced to choose between life and health, on the one hand, and business and social development, on the other?

We fully understand the need to racially secure the E16 and build a functional and safe E39
north. Hordfast, however, is much more than a bridge over the Bjørna Fjord.

It is about building bridges between people.

It’s about building western Norway together for future-oriented housing and labor markets.

As a result of the decision, the devastating fight against tears continues. Instead, Westland should face central power.

Pål W. Lorentzen (f.) And Geir Inge Lunde Photo: Elias Dahlen / Rune Meyer Berentsen

During decades We have been able to follow the centralization of Norwegian society through, among other things, a significant prioritization of power and infrastructure investment in Oslo.

In the current NTP alone, approximately NOK 150 billion has been pledged to Intercity around Oslo, an amount that seems to increase to approx. NOK 300 billion in excess continues at the same rate. In line with what has been done in eastern Norway, we must build a safe, fast and sustainable infrastructure

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We are facing major changes in western Norway and Norway. Covid-19 provides this transition and we have record unemployment. At that time, the county committee chooses to prioritize Hordfast, an infrastructure investment with a very high socio-economic return.

Instead, Vestland should take on Vestlandet, to maintain a competitive business, settlement and experience outside of Oslo as well.

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Is ours We hope that on May 12, the County Council will look up and send a clear message to the power elite that it is now the turn of western Norway.

We hope you see the importance of being together in western Norway, and of thinking as pioneers and in the long term.

Let’s build western Norway together. Let’s build Norway together. This is what Hordfast and Rogfast are all about: connecting nearly a million people who can build the business and jobs of the future. It succeeds in western Norway, succeeds Norway.

