Tomato sauce bottle may become infectious on May 17 – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


“Ice cream and sausages will be available on May 17, but the ketchup bottle can become infected with the corona virus if we do not pay more attention,” says Culture Minister Abid Q. Raja.

He urges people to be aware of how sausages are served on May 17.

– If you have a gloved system, distance and it is only one person who handles the teapot bottle, then it is entirely possible to do it responsibly, says Raja.

May 17 celebration

NO YEAR: May 17 celebration, as we know it. This year will be different.

Photo: Aud Darrud / NRK

Hand hygiene and distance are still very important, he says.

– Maybe you put ketchup on your finger, hit him and pass ketchup or a bottle of mustard to the next man. We should avoid that, he says.

Researchers have discovered that the corona virus can survive up to three days in plastic and stainless steel.

Raja Meiner Ice is a safer alternative on Constitution Day:

– Ice is much safer to get, even if I don’t want raw sausage, as long as it’s served with good hand hygiene, Raja says, explaining:

– Ice cream may be easier to handle. So kids can keep their ice cream straight from an ice box, he says.

Agreed on the revised national budget.

FEARING THE “CHEAP EFFECT”: Abid Raja ice cream may be a safer alternative to sausages on National Day. The picture is from the budget vote celebration at Storting in 2018.

Photo: Bibiana Dahle Piene / NTB scanpix

– Don’t hug and kiss on the floor

May 17 is a day of joy and many bounce the champagne. Raja emphasizes that it is important to hold back a little and not lose control.

The Minister of Culture does not want more people to gather in the center on National Day.

– Use nearby areas. Don’t move into the city center, keep the docks around. Don’t hug and kiss on the floor. and stay a meter away, he says.

Karl Johans gate on May 17, 2019.

HOW IT WILL NOT BE YEAR: Karl Johans gate on May 17, 2019.

Photo: Ryan Kelly / NTB scanpix

Rather recommend neighborhood garden party

Raja believes that it is very possible to have visits from friends and family on National Day, as long as one has no more than 20 people and is easily 1 meter away.

– Our general and strong advice is to meet outdoors, in the garden or in an open space in your neighborhood, he says.

Schools that have an event on May 17 count as the responsible organizer. Here, the 50-1 rule will apply. That means a maximum of 50 people with a distance of 1 meter.

Minister for Culture and Gender Equality Abid Raja welcomes Kjersti Fløgstad, Director of the Nobel Peace Center outside the Nobel Peace Center

READY FOR THE PARTY: Abid Raja believes May 17 will be a great day, although there are more restrictions on the celebrations this year. In the photo, he greets the director of the Nobel Peace Center, Kjersti Fløgstad, during the anniversary celebration.

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix

– Don’t go after the body

The government has revealed that the body can march in the streets and that they can be as many as they want, provided they manage at a distance of two meters long and one meter wide.

– Here it is important that those who stand and see do not hang on the body when they pass, we do not want there to be a long line with people after the body. It can quickly become a challenge, says Raja.

On Thursday, the government made more efforts to save the body’s economy.

For Raja, the body is a very important part of the celebrations.

“The sound of the body is the soul of May 17,” he says.

There will also be a wreath of flowers and talk more cities this day.

– We will have a super day May 17, but we will not be infected, says Raja.

See Abid Q. Raja’s advice on ice cream and sausages on National Day:

The Minister of Culture, Abid Q. Raja (v) on ice cream and sausages on National Day.
