Teacher masturbating at student’s school desk and manipulating student images for abuse chat


A teacher in his early 30s is charged with possession and production of abusive material, serious violation of confidentiality, illegal conversation, and abusive behavior.

In the indictment in the Lower Roman District Court, the teacher said the student manipulated his face in images of naked bodies.

“The images were partially manipulated either by the individual assigned to the student’s name and / or age and / or place of residence and / or a sexual message or by the student’s face manipulated into an image of a naked person and / or persons in sexual activity. “

There are 34 criminals in the case. The underage girls from different places have been mostly male students, Romerikes Blad writes.

Comprehensive prosecution

When the assault case comes to court in September, the prosecution will demand the dismissal of the man in his early 30s for the right to work as a teacher.

– The allegation of resignation to the right to work as a teacher is reserved, says the accusation taken by the Attorney General Erik Førde.

According to the nine-page indictment, he used different username when chatting with 21 contacts about sexual abuse, and shared the students’ manipulated images.

In the chat, the man must have recounted how he had masturbated and activated a student’s desk, and that he considered ejaculating at the students’ food at school.

He is said to have talked about rape of children from the age of 4 and child custody, and to have posted photos of ejaculation cases on the school desk, wardrobe and shower, says the full prosecution indictment of Oslo.

The teacher must have been sexually abusive sharing photos of herself via Snapchat with girls under the age of 16. You must also have been in possession of at least 12,000 files, including child sexual abuse.

Police attorney Kristine Kiær tells Romerikes Blad that the man has acknowledged some of the circumstances in the interrogation and that the case began when the Eastern Police District received a notification from the Western Police District in May 2016.

Assistant Attorney Ole Edward Hagen says the accused teacher has committed a breach of trust in a very serious way. The man’s defender, Marianne Holmen, will not comment on the accusation to the local newspaper.
