Police wanted to arrest Hagen again – failed – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


This confirms Attorney General Kirsti Guttormsen against NRK on Saturday morning.

– It is an important principle that the tax authority must follow the decisions of the court. And then, depending on the circumstances, I thought it was okay not to arrest him immediately after his release, Guttormsen tells NRK.

The prosecutor declines to comment further on the case, noting that it is an ongoing investigation.

According to what NRK understands, the investigative leadership sat largely on Friday to discuss what would happen if the Supreme Court rejected the appeal.

Until recently, it was considered whether you had a good enough foundation to arrest your husband again.

Several in the investigative police department defended him, and a draft plan was drawn up to go to Oslo prison to announce to Hagen a new arrest decision. But the State Attorney lowered his foot.

Several NRK attorneys have been in contact with points that a new arrest had to be made as a result of entirely new evidence, presented after the appeals court dealt with the case.

It is unclear whether the police leadership believed the evidence was of that nature.


On Friday afternoon, around 5.30 p.m., advocate Svein Holden picked up Anne-Elisabeth Hagen’s murdered husband from Oslo prison.

The Supreme Court just approved Thursday’s Eidsivating Court of Appeals decision, which led to the release of Tom Hagen.

The prosecution appealed the decision of the Court of Appeals, but it was rejected by the Supreme Court on Friday. Police wanted to detain Hagen for four weeks with letters and bans on visitors.

The position remains

Police seized the garden on April 28 as he was on his way to his workplace. He is accused of murder or complicity in murder.

Shortly after the Supreme Court decision, the Eastern Police District sent out a press release.

– Therefore, we relate to the decision of the Court of Appeals that the basis for Tom Hagen’s arrest is now considered non-existent. The investigation continues and the charge against Tom Hagen is upheld, prosecutor Haris Hrenovica said.

– Our goal is still to find Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, to know what happened to her and who has a role in the case, says Hrenovica.
