Seven crown measures are likely to last through 2020


The Health Directorate recommends measures such as different working hours, a distance of one meter between collective passengers and the extensive use of the home office throughout the year.

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On Thursday, the government presented the roadmap for how Norway will reopen. But more measures should be maintained throughout 2020, according to the Directorate of Health. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB Scanpix

This is evidenced in a report by the Health Department, which is part of the basis of the government’s roadmap for the reopening of society.

It was VG who first mentioned the case on Friday.

For years to come, the TISK strategy (testing, isolation, infection detection, and quarantine) will replace many of the more radical measures. But the Health Directorate recommends that several measures be continued until at least 2020:

* Differentiated working hours where possible to limit the number of public passengers during peak hours.

* At least one meter of distance between passengers on buses, trains, ferries and planes, possibly other pollution prevention measures.

* At least one meter of distance between employees at work places. If employees depend on public transportation, employers must organize a home office.

* Public restrictions on sporting, musical, artistic and cultural events. The use of clothing during 2020 is not recommended.

* Infectious operation of shopping malls and stores, with remote dialing and frequent disinfection of surfaces.

* Currently, the opening of universities and colleges is not recommended because there are often many students in a limited area. Many also rely on public transportation to and from the study site.

* When traveling in the country, travelers are encouraged to limit the number of stops. In the case of international travel, the quarantine service is currently maintained.

