Six-hour day, the coronavirus | The Health Department recommends a 6-hour work day.


Even if it starts in the office at 10 a.m., the Health Department says that you should not work more than 16 hours.

On Thursday night, the Health Directorate presented a new report reviewing the recommendations they have made to the government regarding the relaxation of the crown measures.

Twice in the report, Management defends that workers should not work more than six hours in the office. Instead, they want to spread start and end times throughout the day. The purpose is to extend the rush hour over a longer period of time.

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You want flexible work hours within normal business hours

However, they don’t want start and end times to occur outside of normal 08-16 business hours:

«1. Start and end of the differentiated work respectively. kl. 08-09-10 / kl. 14-15 to 16 for all professions when possible.

This measure is believed to have a particularly large polluting effect because the passenger density on public transport is significantly reduced during peak hours. The measure also limits the frequency of contact at work. However, differentiated working hours must be maintained within the normal business day (8 am to 4 pm) for the sake of kindergartens, schools, and other community activities based on normal business hours.»

The same is repeated later in the report.

“Flexible working hours are still recommended. For example, it is recommended to start and end the differentiated work respectively. kl. 08-09-10 / kl. 14-15 to 16 for all professions when possible. However, differentiated working hours should be kept within the normal working day. “

– When we have proposed the distinct start and end of work in areas where workers are highly dependent on collective travel, it is to avoid everyone having to travel collectively at the same time, to limit the possible spread of infection. Businesses and employees are expected to enter into a dialogue on how they can simultaneously meet the requirements for tasks and working hours, Deputy Director of Health Espen Nakstad tells Nettaivsen.

– The government makes its own decisions.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs rejects that this means that the six-hour day is now being introduced in Norway.

The government’s decision says nothing about the change in working hours, but rather in “In areas of the country where employees depend on public transportation, employers are encouraged to facilitate home office and electronic meeting activities as much as possible, with physical presence in the workplace only when necessary. This is especially true for the Oslo area and other cities with pressure on public transport during peak hours.»

– The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has consulted with the Ministry of Health and Care in the following way: The Health Department provides its advice to the Ministry of Health and Care Services. These tips are based on input from several different agencies. Based on these councils, the government draws its own conclusions and decisions, the ministry said in an email to Nettavisen.

They believe this means that employers should be flexible about when to come and go, but that they should still work full time:

– When it comes to advice on working time from the Health Department, this applies to people who have to travel to and from work with public transport. The purpose of these tips is to spread the time people travel so that it is possible to comply with the recommendations for a distance of at least one meter. This does not mean that people should work less, but it is a call for employers to make the most of their ability to have a more flexible workday. For example: you can get to work on. 10am and 2pm. 15.00 to pick up in the kindergarten. The remaining 2.5 hours can be taken at home at night. If you have a few short days and some long ones. It is important to emphasize that this is advice, not rules, they point out.

Rejects this meaning the introduction of the six-hour day

The Government emphasizes that they have not made any recommendations on the sixth day:

– Beyond that, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs can establish that the rules on working hours are regulated by the law approved by the Storting or agreed between the parties in working life. The government has not He made specific recommendations on how working hours should be organized and adapted to the situation in the individual business. As stated by the Ministry of Health and Care, it is not about the six-hour day, but that both the employer and the employees must be flexible to avoid spikes in public transport. It will be largely up to the social partners to find good solutions that meet the needs of both the company and the employees, while following infection prevention tips.

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