96 employees lose their jobs in border stores – E24


Employees at Maximat and Nordby Supermarket are laid off after the crown crisis has put an end to cross-border trade.

Vidar Ruud / NTB


The case is being updated …

Grensemat AB, which owns the Maximat and Nordby Supermarket stores in Nordby Shoppingsenter, as well as Maximat in Svinesund, has decided to lay off 96 employees, writes the local newspaper Strömstads Tidning.

The affected employees will lose their jobs from October 1, after they were notified of the layoff in June, COO Göran Lundgren at Grensemat AB tells the newspaper.

When asked by the newspaper if it would be relevant to rehire the laid-off people if the border opens, Lundgren responds:

– If it is the case that the border opens and we can return to normal daily life, then the sale will show where we are going, he says.

After the crown crisis hit Norway in March, the government has advised against all unnecessary travel for all countries. Subsequently, it was opened for some regions with a satisfactory infection situation, but the borders with Sweden have been closed for very long periods. This, in turn, has meant that cross-border trade has been hit hard.
