82 new cases of infection in Bergen: new infection record


The day before, there were 66 new cases of infection.

A total of 2,415 people in Bergen have been registered infected with COVID-19, the municipality indicates on its website.

The age range for new cases is three months to 81 years. Ten of the cases are due to imported infections. There are outbreaks in the Løvåsen nursing home, where three residents and an employee have been diagnosed with the infection. Everyone present is now being evaluated.

Do not turn red

Valhammer reiterated that it is important to reduce the number of close contacts. The maximum number at private events is ten people, but preferably less, says Valhammer.

Currently, the level of readiness does not increase from yellow to red in elementary and junior high schools. The infection has mainly occurred outside of schools, Valhammer says.

Currently, there are 238 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in Bergen.

Speeds up infection tracking

Bergen has now stepped up its infection detection work. Health Councilor Beate Husa (KrF) says that all newly infected people in the municipality will receive an SMS and will be asked to fill out a form with all close contacts.

Close contacts who are contacted are told to go into quarantine.

Nozzles are already necessary for public transport. At the press conference, the importance of everyone complying with the order was reiterated.

1,560 people took the test on Tuesday, without figures from the private clinic Volvat.

Visit to the store after the test

Husa has received reports that people have gone to stores before a test or waiting for the results.

– This should not be done. If you get tested, this should be based on the suspicion that you have a crown, says the health council.

You have to be quarantined until you have a response to the test, and if you have symptoms, you have to stay home, Husa says.
