80-year-old Norwegian assassinated in Pakistan:


DEAD: The Norwegian-Pakistani Fazal Dad Chaudhry was found dead on Thursday, October 15. Photo: Private

Norwegian-Pakistani Fazal Dad Chaudhry was found dead in Pakistan on Thursday. The family in Norway is shocked and deeply distressed, and is asking the Norwegian authorities for help.

The murder occurred in Pakistan’s Kharian district, writes TV 2. So far, two people have been arrested in the case and several are wanted.

According to the channel, it is the wife of Papa Chaudhry who has been arrested and charged with the murder. The other detainee is said to be his son from a previous marriage. His nephew is said to be one of the wanted and is still at large.

Shabaz Dad Chaudhry, one of the sons of the murder victim, received the news while training with Nesøya IL tennis, the tennis team of which he is the head coach and sports leader.

– My cousin called me and I didn’t answer because he was in the middle of a training session. When I left the field, my brother called, openly in shock and panic. “That’s right?” “That’s right?” the Scream. It was a while before they told him what it was. Someone had killed Dad with a knife. I just jumped in the car and drove home to the family, he tells VG.

He and his family traveled from Bærum to Pakistan the next day. Only when they got there did they learn that it was their father’s new wife who had been arrested and charged with the murder.

The Foreign Ministry tells VG that they know that a Norwegian has been found dead in Pakistan, but does not confirm that there is talk of murder.

– The Foreign Service is aware that a Norwegian citizen has died in Pakistan. Out of consideration of our duty of confidentiality, we are unable to comment further on the case, says spokesperson Guri Solberg.

– Very friendly and highly respected

Fazal Dad Chauhdry moved to Norway in 1970. His wife and Shabaz’s mother died of cancer in 2000, and after that he lived a long time in Pakistan. Six years later, he remarried the woman who is now suspected of killing him.

The son tells VG that the murder was a great shock considering how kind his father was.

– Dad was a very kind and highly respected man. He built a school for those who live here in the village and he has also helped the poor here with money, he has never hurt anyone. A great man, he says.

He says that more than 1,000 people attended his father’s funeral. The whole family is in Pakistan, except for Shabaz’s younger sister, who is on her way. In total, Fazal Dad Chaudhry leaves behind three sons and three daughters.

– Both mother and father meant a lot to us. The whole family is devastated and it was heartwarming to see how many people came and cried for Dad. This was a huge shock to us, he says.

Will put pressure on the authorities

Papa Chaudhry says he and his family are going out on the case in hopes of getting help from the Norwegian authorities and making sure the culprits are held accountable.

Papa Chaudhry has lived in Norway since he was six years old and does not trust the Pakistani police. They are also unaware of the Pakistani judiciary and, furthermore, the family fears for their own safety, as the alleged perpetrators remain at large.

– We want the Norwegian authorities on the ground. We feel lonely and worried. If all the culprits had been arrested, we might have felt differently, but it’s scary that some of them are on the run, says Papa Chaudhry.

He says the family has been in contact with the Norwegian embassy and that Kripos is also on the case.

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