“71 degrees north – Norway’s toughest celebrity”: –


On Sunday’s episode of “71 degrees north – Norway’s toughest celebrity,” the stage was set for a knockout competition. Here Victor Sotberg (29), Henrik Elvestad (47), Vår Staude (54) and Iselin Guttormsen (34) had to battle each other to maintain their place in the competition.

The task was for the participants to collect waterproof bags with bricks in the water and then stack the bricks to a specific height on a seesaw. The rocker bar must be kept level by a red rope.

PLANNED: Here, Iselin Guttormsen breaks “71 degrees north, Norway’s toughest celebrity.”
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In the end, only Staude and Guttormsen were left, of whom the former emerged victorious and was allowed to remain in the competition. However, for watching television viewers, the knockout competition was not completely painless for Staude.

On the way, he saw that there was a lot of blood on the hands of the host of “Good Morning Norway”.

BLOODY FINGERS: During the competition, blood flowed from the fingers to Our Perennial.  Photo: TVNorge

BLOODY FINGERS: During the competition, blood flowed from Vår Staude’s fingers. Photo: TVNorge
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– A bad idea

In the episode, Staude explained that he chose to execute a new tactic by dragging his fingers along the rope to prevent the blocks from slipping. This tactic also resulted in a real layer of fur being removed from his fingers.

On Instagram, the 54-year-old has shared several photos of his thumbs, where a deep hole is clearly visible in each of them.

“Oh! If anyone needs new fingerprints, just say yes at 71 degrees north, the toughest celebrity in Norway,” he writes.

When Se og Hør contacts Staude, she explains that the rope was wet and sandy, and admits that dragging her fingers along the rope turned out to be a bad idea.

Also, Staude says that the bricks were tipped over and that she was bleeding like a pig.

– The doctor said that he had sanded a lot in a deep layer of the finger, that it takes a month to cover with what can be called skin, he continues

- You feel very overwhelmed

– You feel very overwhelmed

– Did it hurt?

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In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

– Strangely, it didn’t hurt while I was working. Suddenly I saw that the bricks became very bloody and stained, and then I realized that it was blood from my own fingers, she responds and adds:

– It was very painful afterwards and I longed for everything that involved using my fingers, which means most of the trip.

BREAKING UP TOGETHER: Astrid Jacobsen collapses after Steffen Iversen retires from “71 degrees north – celebrity”
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Still tender

Among other things, packing a backpack, going up and down with a tent, putting on and taking off clothes, and climbing hurt Staude after the incident. During the recording, she was supervised by a doctor and took acetaminophen whenever she had to.

– Fortunately I received help to put on my clothes and boots, and to pack a bag from Henrik, Victor, Fay and Adrian. But mostly I tried to handle myself and not complain, he continues.

Retires: - Physically exhausted

Retires: – Physically exhausted

The host notes that this is what happens, and that what the participants experienced next was so fantastic, beautiful and exciting that their thumbs came in the fourth or fifth row.

The photos Staude has shared on Instagram are from after she came home from the filming, and thus quite a while after the incident. According to her, the wounds healed after a month and a half, but she was a bit sore for quite some time after that.

CLITORICAL: Sexologist Iselin Guttormsen tells others in “71 degrees north – celebrity” that the clitoris grows throughout life.
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– Today, six months later, it still hurts and I have scars on my fingertips. Sensitivity and fingerprints aren’t what they used to be either, but all is well, he says.

As mentioned, viewers were able to witness the incident on this weekend’s episode. Then it was Iselin Guttormsen who had to drop out of the competition, which was planned by her.

Creates complete confusion: - I'm out

Creates complete confusion: – I’m out

In the episode, Guttormsen revealed that for a longer period of time he had wanted to go home, as the challenges became increasingly difficult.

– I have thought that I love being on a trip with these people and I am forever grateful for this trip, but I prefer to treat people who really enjoy it to the fullest for being here, she said.

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