44 new cases of infection in Trondheim


The case is being updated.

The municipality of Trondheim announces this in a press release Tuesday morning.

On Monday, December 21, 44 new infections were recorded in Trondheim. Once again, Trondheim sets a disgusting record for the number of new infections in one day.

1898 tests were carried out.

Those infected are:

  1. 20 years. Known close contact
  2. Children under 10 years old. Known close contact
  3. 30 years. Known close contact
  4. 20 years. Known close contact
  5. 40 years. Source of infection not yet identified
  6. 20 years. Known close contact
  7. 30 years. Known close contact
  8. 20 years. Known close contact
  9. 20 years. Known close contact
  10. 20 years. Known close contact
  11. 50s. Known close contact
  12. 20 years. Source of infection not yet identified
  13. 50s. Known close contact
  14. 30 years. Known close contact.
  15. 30 years. Known close contact.
  16. 30 years. Source of infection not yet identified
  17. 20 years. Known close contact
  18. 30 years. Known close contact
  19. 60s. Known close contact.
  20. 20 years. Known close contact
  21. 20 years. Known close contact
  22. Children under 10 years old. Known close contact
  23. 40 years. Known close contact
  24. Children under 10 years old. Known close contact
  25. 30 years. Source of infection not yet identified
  26. 20 years. Source of infection not yet identified
  27. Children under 10 years old. Known close contact
  28. 20 years. Known close contact
  29. 20 years. Known close contact
  30. The 10. Known close contact
  31. The 10. Known close contact
  32. The 10. Known close contact.
  33. 1950s. Source of infection not yet identified
  34. 1950s. Source of infection not yet identified
  35. Children under 10 years old. Known close contact
  36. 30 years. Known close contact
  37. 40 years. Known close contact
  38. 20 years. Known close contact
  39. 30 years. Known close contact.
  40. 30 years. Source of infection not yet identified
  41. 20 years. Known close contact
  42. 30 years. Known close contact
  43. The 10. Source of infection not yet identified
  44. 30 years. Source of infection not yet identified

All have a mild course of the disease.

Infection situation in municipal units

Three of the city’s nursing homes are now affected by coronary heart disease.

In Charlottenlund HVS, six residents and one employee have been diagnosed with the infection. The likely route of infection is through an employee who has had no symptoms, but was tested after the person in question was identified as being in close contact with the infection in another municipality. Currently, only one room of the nursing home is affected, and visitation restrictions are currently being considered in other rooms of the nursing home.

At Brundalen HVS, an employee tested positive. Another employee and two residents are in quarantine. All employees are being evaluated. The two quarantined residents tested negative on rapid tests and no other residents are considered affected by the infection. The infection in the employee was discovered in connection with the tests due to close contact with the infection in another municipality.

At Hjorten HVS, an employee tested positive. The person in question has had no symptoms, but was tested in connection with close contact with another infected person.

14 patients and three employees have been quarantined, and all are being examined.

The Bispehaugen school is also affected by the infection. Fifth and sixth grade students are quarantined.

Infection situation in society

Ten of those infected yesterday have a currently unknown source of infection. This means that the vast majority, 34 cases, are close contacts.

A person who was at a Christmas market stall on December 14 and 15 has tested positive. People who have visited the Christmas market in the period 11-18 these days and received samples are encouraged to pay particular attention to their own health status and have a low threshold for symptom testing.

The municipality now sees various groups of infection in different settings of the city, and they see that the infection occurs in various settings. It is the cases of contagion in gyms, restaurants and discos.

In one of the city’s nightclubs, at least 14 people tested positive after an infected person visited the place on December 12. All the guests that evening received a notification from the infection control office with a quarantine order, and several of the subsequent cases of infection occurred during the quarantine period.

The municipality encourages city residents to show extra care and carefully adheres to infection control routines for the catering industry.

Number of people infected with corona

commune People Pr. 1000

Source: Trøndelag Municipalities – Updated regularly

See Adresseavisen’s great overview of the crown situation in Trøndelag here
