31 party participants reported for violation of infection control rules


Just before 9 pm on Saturday night, the police reported a student party in Bergen, where 16 people were present.

– They gathered in a limited area, had social gatherings, and drank alcohol. They were all foreigners or students, the Western Police District wrote on Twitter.

All were reported for violations of infection control regulations.

Also on Sunday night, the police had to stop a party in Bergen. By then, 15 people had gathered in an apartment in Sandviken.

– 15 people are reported for violating infection control rules, police wrote on Twitter.

There have been 89 new infections in Bergen in the last 24 hours. Video: NTB
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In a press release at 04.46 on Sunday night, the director of operations in the West Police District, Per Algrøy, says that the police have received up to 35 reports of party noise and disturbance of the night calm on Saturday. the night and the night until Sunday.

– Most of them referred to the municipality of Bergen, but some messages also came from other parts of the district, says Algrøy.

The police had the capacity to travel on 26 of the parties.

– The police reported 31 people for violating infection control regulations. These were divided into two parties (the aforementioned parties with 16 and 15 participants, respectively, journal.anm.). The vast majority of those reviewed are boys and girls in their 20s. Someone in his 30s, says Algrøy.

As of November 23, the Bergen municipality has banned private meetings with more than five participants, including those living at home.
