31 out of 41 retirees became infected after a bus trip


The case is being updated.

31 people from Sør-Rogaland tested positive for corona after a bus trip in western Norway. Municipalities in the area are now working to limit the infection.

29 cases of infection were first reported, but now the number has risen to 31, writes Stavanger Aftenblad.

– 15 are in Stavanger, six in Sola, five in Sandnes, four in Randaberg and one person from Hå, said the chief doctor for infection control in the municipality of Sandnes, Hans Petter Torvik, in a press conference Tuesday by the night.

– control

– So far I know of two who tested negative out of the 41 who were on the bus, Torvik tells Aftenbladet.

It emphasizes that all the passengers were screened after they returned to the region and were subsequently taken directly home, where they have been quarantined ever since. All those who tested positive have been notified.

– We have good control of all these cases, says the director of infection control.

– Won’t scare

Sandnes Mayor Stanley Wirak (Labor Party) emphasizes that the outbreak shows how important it is to take precautions to prevent contagion.

– We do not want to scare people, but we must realize that this can get worse, says Wirak.

– Now it’s up to us to do the right things to make sure we get through this, he adds.

He is supported by the Mayor of Stavanger, Kari Nessa Nordtun (Labor).

– Since March, our region has been absolutely fantastic. Therefore, we have had very low infection rates compared to other large cities. But now they put us to the test again. There is an infection in our region and it can spread quickly, he tells VG.

Randomly discovered

Infection control doctor Hans Petter Torvik stated at the press conference that the outbreak was discovered because a woman who was on the trip was admitted to a health trust in Helse Førde.

He informs Stavanger Aftenblad that the admission came as a discomfort and that at the time of admission there was no suspicion of corona.

– He had no symptoms indicating corona when he was admitted, but he was tested as a routine, he says.

– On Monday night I received a phone call from Helse Førde, who told me that the test was positive, he adds.

By then, the woman’s relatives had already notified the bus, which headed directly to the test station at Stavanger Forum.
