30,000 infected at Trump’s public meeting – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


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In the study, released Friday, researchers took a closer look at 18 of Trump’s public meetings from June to September. It is important to note that the study has not yet been evaluated by other professionals.

The study shows that the infection rate often increased markedly in the places where the electoral meeting took place, compared to nearby cities where there were no such meetings.

Increase the infection rate

Researchers have used a statistical method to calculate the infection rate associated with the 18 public gatherings. Therefore, the speeches are not based on individual cases that can be traced directly to a one-on-one meeting. Instead, researchers have followed the development of the infection in a quarter of the county for up to ten weeks after a quarter of the election meeting.

Public meeting with Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 31

PENNSYLVANIA: On Saturday night, President Trump held a rally in Butler, near the steel city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. From time to time, there are many in the gathering who do not wear masks or maintain social distance.

Photo: CARLOS BARRIA / Reuters / NTB

Representatives of health authorities in states where such meetings have been organized emphasize that it is not possible to trace a quarter of individual cases of infection to special meetings, writes The New York Times.

Republicans are expected to point out that the poll is not peer-reviewed and unreliable. Democrats will likely claim that the president has put the health of the participants on the line.

It can be objected that cases of infection are increasing everywhere, that participants in public meetings in many cases travel far and that detection of infections is not always possible.

Compare to 200 other counties

The survey is not based on tracking specific infections after the public meeting. Professor B. Douglas Bernheim and his colleagues at Stanford University have used some form of regression analysis to produce numbers.

They compared 18 counties where Trump had held his rallies, with another 200 counties with a similar demographic makeup and the same distribution picture before the rally.

The first two meetings the researchers studied, in Tulsa and Phoenix, were an indoor meeting. The other 16 were held outdoors. In Tulsa, there was a resurgence of infection in the following weeks, with no cases of infection tracing directly to the public gathering.

Since another meeting in Bemidji, Minnesota, in September, local authorities have tracked down 16 infections. The same day Joe Biden held a meeting in Duluth, and then there was a case of infection.

– More than 700 extra kills

Based on the calculation model, the researchers calculate that the meeting led to an increase in the infection rate of more than 250 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. For the 18 meetings, they concluded that the public meeting likely led to more than 30,000 cases of infection.

They also write that the meeting likely led to more than 700 deaths, but it is emphasized that the deaths did not necessarily affect the people who physically attended the meeting.

– Local communities where Trump’s meeting took place have paid a heavy price when it comes to illness and death, researchers conclude according to the New York Daily News.

Since the study was completed in September, the president has held several dozen similar meetings. Only this last electoral weekend and until Monday, held 14 electoral meetings of this type.

On June 18, President Donald Trump held a public meeting in Orlando, Florida.

FLORIDA: On June 18, President Donald Trump held a public meeting in Orlando, Florida, where the audience was packed.


The White House rejects

White House spokesman Judd Deere told The New York Times that the study was “a politically motivated model based on erroneous conclusions that are intended to make Trump supporters feel ashamed.”

– As the president has said, the cure cannot be worse than the disease, he says.

They stress that the best advice must be followed, while there must be room for personal freedom in the effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
