30-year-old woman accused of deprivation of liberty


On Saturday, police will request four weeks of custody of a woman following an incident in Nordfjord this Christmas.

The woman will be presented in Bergen District Court on Saturday. Photo: Fred Ivar Utsi Klemetsen (archive)

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Police lawyer Erling Melvær tells BT that it is the danger of the evidence being lost that makes them want to take the woman into custody for four weeks. She will be presented for prison at the Bergen District Court at 11 a.m. on Saturday.

– Against your will

– The charge is that the accused has detained another person against their will. The deprivation of liberty must have lasted for some time, a few hours a day, says Melvær.

According to Melvær, there should not be a child who is held against his will.

The woman being presented for prison is in her 30s, says the police attorney.

– I can not say anything

Lawyer Marius Wesenberg confirms to Bergens Tidende that he has been appointed women’s advocate.

– I have not been able to speak to the defendant and I cannot say anything, says Wesenberg.

It does not mean anything about the relationship between the woman and the person who is said to have been deprived of liberty.

