2100-year-old remains found


Two new remains have been found in the excavation at Pompeii, which has been preserved by the volcanic ash from Mount Vesuvius 2,100 years ago.

The mighty Italian volcano had a fatal eruption in 79 BC. The authorities responsible for the excavations warn that the two remains were found in the Civita Giuliana, 700 meters northwest of Pompeii.

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The two were found in a villa overlooking the Gulf of Naples and have been preserved under the volcanic ash that covered people and buildings. The layer of ash has made the remains as well as the buildings and objects very well preserved and Pompeii has become an international tourist destination that allows a glimpse of the past.

Investigators believe that the remains now found belong to a young slave and a wealthy older man. This is based on the remains of your clothing and your physical condition.

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They were found in a crypt attached to the village where they probably hid from the volcanic eruption. A stable and the remains of three horses in harnesses were found near the village. Excavations in Pompeii continue despite the coronavirus, but the pandemic has halted tourist visits to the historic site.

The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 BC. C. is one of the deadliest volcanic eruptions known in Europe. Estimates of how many died differ, but they were at least 2,000.
