2000 invited to the election meeting: – incredibly irresponsible


Trump spoke from a balcony to several hundred attendees. This is his first public appearance since he was released from the hospital on Monday.

“I feel great,” Trump said.

The president was not wearing a face mask and the White House has declined to respond if the president continues to infect the crown.

Hundreds of supporters lined the balcony to hear the president speak.

– Thank you very much for being here. How nice you are in the blue shirts, says Trump.

CLOSE TO CLOSE: Most trailers were together without bandages.

CLOSE TO CLOSE: Most trailers were together without bandages. Photo: Jose Luis Magana

According to The New York Times, more than 2,000 invitations were sent to the event.

– We love you

According to the president, the meeting was about law and order. Trump spent a lot of time talking about the police and the demonstrations.

– Everyone in the police does a fantastic job. We support you and we love you. Thanks to you, we are safe, says Trump.

See the full speech here:

The president also spoke about all that he had accomplished during his tenure as president and said that he had done a lot for African American society and other minority communities.

– No one has done them as much good as I have, since Abraham Lincoln, says the president.

CROWN DISEASE: It's only been five days since Trump was hospitalized.

CROWN DISEASE: It’s only been five days since Trump was hospitalized. Photo: TOM BRENNER

– Incredibly irresponsible

Trump is fighting at the polls and hopes to spice up the election campaign in the four weeks leading up to Election Day.

Several respond that the president holds the meeting while he can still be a carrier.

– It seems that Donald Trump lives in an alternate reality where he is not sick. The decision to fix this is incredibly irresponsible, says Mike Gwin, who works with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Nakstad responds

Deputy Health Director Espen Nakstad responds that several hundred people gathered.

– In any case, this is not in line with current infection control advice in most countries, Nakstad tells TV 2.

He still thinks it’s a good thing that some of Trump’s supporters have donned masks.

– It seems quite correct that as someone else than before to wear face masks at such events, and in that case it is more in line with current WHO advice, says Nakstad.

The presidential debate has been canceled

Challenge the rapporteur

The president also challenges the rule that no more than 50 people can gather at events in Washington DC.

The mayor also asks everyone who organizes meetings to wear a mask.

– Wear a mask and find other ways to get your message across than shouting and singing, this can help spread the virus, says Mayor Muriel Bowser.

The president did not wear a face mask while speaking to fans, and many of the supporters did not wear a face mask either.

The case is being updated!
