16-year-old beheading in Oslo


Oslo Police District Operations Director Vidar Pedersen tells Dagbladet that they received several reports of a massive fight at the Bogerud metro station at 6:25 p.m.

The massive fight must have been between about eight youths.

– Several ran out of the place when the police arrived and one person was left behind. The person who was left has a big, deep gash on his face, Pedersen tells Dagbladet.

The boy is said to have suffered serious facial injuries and was treated at the scene by ambulance personnel, before being taken to hospital. It shouldn’t be seriously injured, but lighter.

  • Do you have information on the case? Let us know at [email protected] or call 2400 0000.
WITNESS TO THE INTERVIEW: The police are questioning witnesses at the scene. Photograph: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen / Dagbladet
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– Come running to my side

Several witnesses have given different explanations to the police about the attack and reported that the boy was stabbed in the face with a large knife, machete or ax.

Dagbladet has spoken to a witness who says he took the subway at the same time as a group of young boys from Mortensrud to Bogerud.

– They made a lot of noise in the field, and the whole youth gang left at the same time as me. As I was climbing the stairs, one of the boys ran past. He had a great gang behind him. They had bats and some kind of metal objects and rods in their hands. Someone with whom I was walking called the police, but they ran in a different direction than we were walking. We were terribly scared, says the witness.

Another witness Dagbladet has spoken with, who witnessed the incident from a different point of view, also describes the same course of events.

BLOCKED: Police cordoned off the area Thursday night. Photograph: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen / Dagbladet
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One arrested

Operations manager at the scene, Svend Bjelland, confirms to Dagbladet that a person has been arrested in the case. It is not yet known what role the person played and how the person can be linked to the incident.

– The arrest was made near the place, he says.

Bjelland emphasizes that the incident is likely an arrangement and that witnesses have reported that there were many people present when the incident occurred, without the police being able to say anything specific about how many are believed to be directly involved.

– There is no indication that this is accidental, he says.

The task leader asks people who may have seen something suspicious or who have information about the case to get in touch.
