146 days with full ice front


Saturday marks two years since Anne-Elisabeth Hagen disappeared from her home at Sloraveien 4 in Lørenskog. The last sign of life is a telephone conversation with your son at 09:14 on October 31, 2018.

Since then, Lisbeth, as friends and family call her, has disappeared without a trace.

In the summer of 2019, Norway’s biggest crime mystery took a new turn.

What the police first saw as a kidnapping, they now believe is murder in disguise.

On April 28, her husband Tom Hagen (70) was arrested and charged with murder or complicity in murder, but the evidence did not lead to custody.

After ten days of solitary confinement in Oslo prison, the billionaire was a free man.

FEATURES: Svein Holden’s colleague lawyer, Mikkel Toft Gimse, explains why the questioning of Tom Hagen had to be interrupted. Video: Emilie Rydning
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Not challenged as accused

The last conversation between the police and Tom Hagen was on June 3, when they met for a conversation at the Kripos facility in Oslo. Since then, there has been no contact between them.

This means that Tom Hagen has not been questioned by the police after being formally charged in the case, confirms police inspector Agnes Beate Hemiø. Before that, he has been in a total of twelve interrogations with the police.

– Tom Hagen has the right not to be questioned, and we have to deal with that. However, we want further questioning of Hagen as this is important for the information of the case, Hemiø tells Dagbladet.

POLICE INSPECTOR: Agnes Beate Hemiø comments on the Hagen case in the Eastern Police District. Photo: Angelica Hagen / Dagbladet
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He emphasizes that they still have extensive case material to investigate, with a large number of seizures, interrogations and video surveillance.

The conversation in Kripos in June had to be interrupted due to Tom Hagen’s health condition. He was summoned for various interrogations after the Kripos meeting, but decided not to remain silent.

– We have advised Hagen not to question further and he has decided to follow our recommendation, defender Svein Holden tells Dagbladet.

He does not want to comment on why.

- A puzzle

– A puzzle


At the time, it was justified that they could not see how Tom Hagen’s interrogations were to carry the case forward.

The investigation now does not appear to be aimed at clarifying what happened to Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, but has been stuck in a dead end where police are only looking to arrest Tom Hagen, Holden told VG in June.

Dagbladet has previously described how the billionaire was hit hard by isolation in the Oslo prison.

The conversations that give the police a headache

The conversations that give the police a headache

Police, for their part, described Hagen as “hairy” after the meeting, which again erupted into an icy front between the police and the family.

In a letter, Tom Hagen’s daughter has described in detail how she experienced the police investigation. Here she takes a hard line against the investigation, security considerations and how the interrogations have been carried out. The letter was addressed to the Attorney General, but was never sent.

POSSIBLE RESULTS: These small blue-green spots may indicate that the police have found new traces of blood at Tom Hagen’s house in Sloraveien 4. Photo: NTB Scanpix / Reporter: Marie Røssland
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– unthinkable

After being cold between the police and the family for months, the police summoned Hagen’s three children for a conversation on September 24. The police want them to defend further interrogations, something they refuse to do.

– The situation has not changed. For them, it is completely unthinkable that Tom Hagen is behind a platform like this, says development assistance lawyer Ståle Kihle, who was also present at the meeting.

In the letter Hagen-dattera has written, he describes the last questioning with the police. Here, all three were summoned for questioning at the same time, and she believes it was because they couldn’t “coordinate their explanations.”

“It was hour after hour about silly rumors and accusations and intimate details about, among other things, the sex life of my parents.” I was faced with statements from other witnesses about rumors about things that must have happened 30 years ago in time, trifles and many blatant lies that I know are not true, but in any case presented by interrogators as if they were big cases, “he writes.

The Garden Daughter's Cry for Help

The Garden Daughter’s Cry for Help

– It can be an advantage

Nor has the “cryptoman”, accused of both deprivation of liberty and murder, been in further interrogations with the police. The 32-year-old man contacted Hagen’s company, Tom Hagen Eiendom AS, with a business idea on the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

Former police superintendent and head of the violence section in the Oslo police, Finn Abrahamsen, explains that questioning is one of the most important things the police do.

– In this case, a conflict has arisen with the police. It is special and you don’t experience it often. I think Hagen follows the advice of his lawyers. Refusing to question can be to his advantage in the long run, Abrahamsen says.

THE INTERROGATION IS IMPORTANT: Former police officer Finn Abrahamsen now works as a private investigator. Explain that questioning is an important piece in a police investigation. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB
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He emphasizes that he is not lucky for the police investigation, since they would like information, as well as to confront him with the information they receive.

– It is difficult to say what disadvantage it will have, but it may require an even greater use of police resources at work.

– Is it difficult for the police to thoroughly investigate both Hagen’s guilt and innocence when he and the family do not want to be questioned?

– They have been questioned before, but there may have been new information about which the police should have had a dialogue with both Hagen and his relatives. So this stands still or they will have to go other ways to get an answer. They may not get an answer and have to wait until they can get him to speak again. Nobody knows the answer to what happened. The case is still completely open. If there is information about others, the police verify this. They are obliged to do so.

Here's how the police explained the crypto error

Here’s how the police explained the crypto error

Abrahamsen points out that even if Tom Hagen is accused, it doesn’t mean he is guilty. The former police chief emphasizes that a position gives the police legal rights that are useful in the investigation.

– In case Hagen is a mistake, it is important that it comes out, and soon. If this becomes eternal, you will live with him for the rest of your life. Even after a probationary position dismissal, some will think you are guilty.

An unknown tragedy struck Tom Hagen

An unknown tragedy struck Tom Hagen

The tracks that got cold

During these two years, the police have investigated a number of leads. Some of them have been saved.

The police initially investigated an article by Dagens Næringsliv, published on July 27, 2018. Avisa discussed Hagen’s record result in 2017, where, with a turnover of almost NOK 2.4 billion, it was left with NOK 174 million after taxes. .

According to Aftenposten, the police investigated whether the alleged kidnappers may have opened their eyes to Hagen’s wealth through the DN article.

At the second press conference the police held on the case in 2019, surveillance footage of Hagen’s workplace, the Futurum building in Lørenskog, was displayed. The photos showed two men moving in the area. The two were never identified, despite a search in the press.

I WANT TO CONTACT: On Thursday, January 10, police released two videos of people who were observed outside Tom Hagen’s workplace on October 31. The police assume that she was abducted in the morning or the same day and wants to have contact with these people. Video: Police
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In June 2019, the police stated that they abandoned the hunt for the so-called Futurum men. The police inspector does not want to go into why, other than that they believe the two are less likely to have a role in the case.

Another that has been sought is the “hoodie”. The man, who is 60, was removed from the case last week when he appeared before police.

Police secretly investigated the alleged kidnapping for two months, before going to the media with the case in January 2019. During this time, important information may have been lost.

– There was no optimal start to an investigation, but we secured electronic leads. Interrogations were also conducted, but it is clear that we may have missed witness observations as a result of the case not being publicly investigated from the outset, says police inspector Hemiø.
