130 Secret Service Agents Quarantined After Trump Election Campaign – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


Avisa writes that the 130 Secret Service agents are said to have helped protect the White House and President Donald Trump on their campaign trips.

Officers must have tested positive for the coronavirus or had close contact with someone who is infected.

Avisa refers to anonymous sources with knowledge of how the federal police service has helped Trump during the election campaign. Most of the infections are said to be related to a series of election campaign events that Trump attended in the weeks leading up to the election, on November 3.

Trump traveled at full speed in the run-up to the election campaign, with five election rallies in each of the last two days.

Five different groups, in one day

On November 2 alone, his schedule called for five different groups of Secret Service agents, each of them between 20 and several dozen officials.

The group traveled to Fayetteville (North Carolina, Scranton (Pennsylvania), Traverse City (Michigan) and Kenosha and Grand Rapids (Wisconsin).

Their duties were to investigate bystanders and secure the area around the president’s meetings. Joe Biden made two stops on November 2, which also required Secret Service agents, but in fewer numbers, the newspaper writes.

About 10 percent of employees who work to insure people in the Secret Service are affected by the virus, according to the newspaper.

Trump Election Vigil November 4, 2020

The outgoing US president held a press conference among supporters at the White House on election night. About 100 people were present, according to Reuters.


Several confirmed the infection after the electoral vigil

Trump has been repeatedly criticized for his handling of the crown situation in the United States. Infection rates continue to rise, with 152,000 new cases on Thursday.

Many have thought that Trump himself has set a bad example. The US media, among other things, have singled out Trump’s election vigil on the night of November 4 as a possible “over-broadcast event.”

Several Trump staff members and political supporters were confirmed to be infected after the rally at the White House on election night, where few wore bandages. In October, governors, senators and presidential advisers were also infected after the celebration of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

Researcher: – He has not shown the necessary care for himself.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican, has previously stated that he has avoided staying in the White House since August.

– My impression is that your approach to how the virus should be handled is different from mine. It’s also different from the approach I’ve insisted we have in the Senate, which is wearing face masks and practicing social distancing, McConnell said earlier this week.

A poll shows that Trump’s careless attitude toward the virus was one of the reasons Biden ultimately won the election, according to Reuters.

– The Trump administration has not shown the necessary concern for itself, or for the country. That’s one of the reasons we have so many cases across the country, says Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, a professor of public health at Johns Hopkins University.

Looking in public

Trump has become increasingly quietly ignored in the American media after the electoral defeat. At the same time, from the White House he has tweeted day and night a series of allegations of electoral fraud, without receiving the attention to which he is accustomed.

On Friday, however, he reappears, at a meeting at the White House on the progress of the vaccine. The meeting is the first on the president’s public calendar this week, NTB writes.

On Wednesday, Veterans Day, the president attended a wreath ceremony at Arlington Cemetery.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, speaks at the election vigil. Trump claimed he had won the election, several days before the count was completed in several crucial states.
