13-year-old boy seriously injured after collision in Oslo


The 13-year-old boy was run over on the Maria Dehli road in Haugenstua in Oslo on Thursday night.

Oslo Police District writes on Twitter that it was hit by a possible black BMW SUV. Witnesses have also explained that the car was silent, so it may have been an electric car, police added.

The car must have left the place.

– We want to get in touch with the driver of this car. The pedestrian has been taken to hospital with serious injuries, police write on Twitter.

Police task leader Steinar Bjerke informs NTB that the child’s condition should be critical.

LEFT THE PLACE: The car is said to have hit the 13-year-old boy at high speed and then left the scene.  Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB

LEAVE THE PLACE: The car is said to have hit the 13-year-old boy at high speed and then left the scene. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB
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– was thrown into the air

Police write that several people witnessed the incident and have explained themselves.

Witnesses have described the car traveling at high speed and hitting the boy, who was thrown into the air and into another car, operations manager Line Skott in the Oslo police district tells NTB.

Some of the witnesses are also minors, and will be followed and attended by health personnel. The injured boy’s parents have been notified, police say.

The 13-year-old has been transferred to Ullevål hospital, where he will undergo surgery.

INVESTIGATOR: Police are at the scene in heavy force Thursday night and have launched investigations.  Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB

DOING RESEARCH: Police are on the scene in heavy forces Thursday night and have launched investigations. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB
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– Contact

– We are very interested in getting in touch with the black car, says operations manager Skott.

It says that the car was last observed in the direction of Grorud.

– We encourage the public to contact us if they see a car with front-end damage in the area there, and we encourage drivers to register.

Police are encouraging motorists with video cameras in cars who were in the area in question when the incident occurred to review video recordings, they wrote in an update on Twitter.
