13-year-old boy charged with rape of a six-year-old girl – NRK Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio


Police were notified of the incident on Friday afternoon. According to the police, the girl has described that the boy touched her on his way home from the Breidablikk school.

Under article 299 of the Penal Code, a 13-year-old boy is charged with the rape of children under 14 years of age. The accused has no prior relationship with the girl.

“The police have been investigating extensively throughout the weekend. Through the investigation of electronic traces, video surveillance and witness statements, it was revealed that this child was in the area at the time of the action. The accused has been questioned. by the police on Sunday morning, “the police write in a news release Sunday afternoon.

– The girl was heading home from school to a local area where she lives and where she should feel safe, and where all other children should also feel safe. It is clear that this is a very serious incident, and that is why we have put all possible resources, says the lawyer for the police in the Trøndelag police district, Bente Bøklepp, to NRK.

Police lawyer Bente Bøklepp.

FURTHER INVESTIGATION: The 13-year-old is too young to be punished. The case is being investigated further to clarify what happened, said Trøndelag police district police lawyer Bente Bøklepp.

Photo: Ole-Jørgen Finnes / NRK

I don’t want to give a long explanation

The 13-year-old has been questioned and will also be questioned again.

– In the interrogation, he has been linked to the scene of the crime at the relevant time, but does not want to explain more today about what happened, says Bøklepp in the press release.

This is also confirmed by the children’s ombudsman, Tore Angen.

– You are connected to the place with location data and have confirmed that you were there. What he did on the spot, we have not discussed. He is only 13 years old and today he was tired, says Angen.

Since the defendant is below the minimum criminal age of 15, the child welfare service will follow closely, police say.

– Of course, it is very serious when children are exposed to this type of incident, and it is also especially serious when children commit the act. We have handled the case accordingly, and everyone involved receives additional follow-up for that reason, says Bøklepp.

The child welfare service present at the police station

The child welfare guard was present at the police station today.

– As my client is too young to be prosecuted, the child welfare service is involved. They want one more function. I have been with the defendant during questioning and my job will be to safeguard the defendant’s rights, even if he is too young to be punished, says Angen.

– The police continue the investigation and there is still a final analysis of technical findings, electronic leads and interrogations, also of the accused, and we believe that we have found the right author, says Bente Bøklepp, in the press release.

Police, Breidablikk, Trondheim

DOOR TO DOOR: The police put a lot of resources into finding the perpetrator and have conducted many interrogations in the girl’s neighborhood.

Photo: Bjarte Johannesen
