13-year-old boy accused of raping a young schoolgirl in Trondheim


Police charged a 13-year-old boy with rape against a nearly six-year-old girl at Heimdal in Trondheim on Friday.

Police lawyer Bente Bøklepp claims that the Trøndelag Police District believes they have found the right perpetrator. Photo: Ned Alley / NTB

The investigation has revealed that the boy has been in the period in which the incident is said to have taken place, the Trøndelag police district states in a press release.

– On this basis, the police arrested and questioned him. During questioning, he was linked to the crime scene at the relevant time, but today he does not want to explain more about what happened, says police lawyer Bente Bøklepp.

Since the child is under 15 years of minimum criminal age, the child welfare service will continue to do so. He has no prior relationship with the victim, who was on his way home from school.

– The police continue the investigation, and there is still a final analysis of the technical findings, electronic leads and interrogations, also of the defendants, and we believe that we have found the right perpetrator, says Bøklepp.

The accusation refers to the rape of minors under 14 years of age. The Penal Code defines sexual relations with children under the age of 14 as rape. The reason is that it can almost always be said that younger children cannot resist action.
