13 of the 15 cases of infection in Molde can be traced back to the same person: rbnett.no


– The municipality of Molde has a total of 15 confirmed corona cases in September and about 90 people are now in quarantine. The municipality has a good overview, but the situation is serious. The mayor encourages everyone to be very careful to follow infection control rules in the future, it says in a press release sent after the emergency administration in Molde municipality met in Molde city hall on Wednesday. at night.

Infected while traveling in Norway

The municipality claims that 13 of the 15 cases of infection in Molde can be traced back to a person who has been traveling in Norway. So far, a total of 70 people have been quarantined as a result of these cases.

More infected than in March: crisis management meets for the first time since this spring

Seven new cases of infection in Molde

Thus, Molde has a total of 15 confirmed cases of corona in September, one more than in March.

– They are close contacts of the infected. In addition, 21 of the employees that the health trust has quarantined. Therefore, a total of about 90 people are now in quarantine in Molde.

– Most of those infected are asymptomatic. Therefore, it is easy to spread the infection without us noticing it, says municipal chief physician Cato Innerdal.

It was at the same event

The infection trace shows that up to 12 of those infected have been infected in the same event. Only two of the people present at the event escaped the infection.

Innerdal says the municipality will not come out with the event in question, but confirms to Rbnett that it was last weekend.

Innerdal also says that it is not relevant to ask people from other parts of the country not to come to Molde, for example, in connection with confirmation.

The municipal chief says he cannot rule out more cases of contagion in the coming days.

– It is very likely that the number of people who must be in quarantine will also increase. Many of those in quarantine will be evaluated on Thursday and Friday.

– Follow the infection control rules!

Mayor Torgeir Dahl encourages township residents to follow infection control rules.

– With such a contagious virus among us, it is extremely important that we all take great care to follow the infection control rules, says Mayor Torgeir Dahl. Stay home if you have the slightest symptoms of illness, stay one meter away from others, and ensure good hand hygiene, Dahl says.

No new measures now

No new local measures will be taken after the new wave of infections. The municipality justifies it as follows:
– As far as the municipality can see now, nursing homes, schools or kindergartens are not directly affected. Therefore, we will not implement new measures now, says Dahl. The situation will be reassessed over the weekend. At the moment, Molde nursing homes are kept open for family members, with visiting rules already introduced. The municipal chief also sees no reason to cancel the planned events or introduce new restrictions beyond national infection control rules.

The testing capacity at the Nøisomhed test station was also a topic for emergency management tonight.
– So far, the testing capacity is sufficient, but this is for continuous evaluation, says Torgeir Dahl.

The municipality of Molde can increase staffing at both the corona phone and the test station in a relatively short time if the infection situation worsens even more, it is said.
