100 municipalities have received import infections from Poland


Last week, FHI had to implement infection tracking related to 64 aircraft, several of which came from Poland, Aftenposten writes.

– The infection is mainly observed in relation to travel abroad, where a significant proportion has come from Poland, especially in the last two to three weeks, is stated in a recent report from the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH).

Very few were infected in the different planes, but the imported infection has caused outbreaks in many municipalities of the country. Last week, cases of infection were discovered in 50 different municipalities, all of which date back to flights from Poland. In total, the infection from Poland has thus been recorded in 100 municipalities.

– Every day planes land with a very high infection. In Gardermoen, seven planes from Poland land today, Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) said when he announced new austerity measures in the capital on Monday.

Johansen pointed out that Norway has taken a much more liberal line than many other countries.

– Many go straight to work. Many work in companies where none of the employees speak Norwegian. There is no reason to believe that compliance with the rules is particularly good, said the city council leader.
