Nocturne HD Remaster Trailer shared in Japan

When the Nintendo Direct Mini’s Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster The trailer was dropped, we had a chance to see a little over a minute of footage from the upcoming game. However, people in Japan looked better. The trailer shown there is an extended version with over a minute more of game footage. Which means that now people can see even better SMTIII Nocturne HD Remaster before launch.

Here’s the spread SMT III Nocturne HD Remaster trailer released in Japan. You can see even better their battle system and the different demons that you will fight alongside them. It even shows how you can go with the new level of difficulty, Clemente, or play Normal or Hard.

There are also more screenshots to look at, thanks to Nintendo releasing some show games and Raidou with the ever-useful and wise Gouto-Douji.

SMT III Nocturne HD Remaster It will hit Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 29, 2020, and its official website is now open. Japan will also receive a special edition with a soundtrack and an “aroma lamp”. It will be released worldwide sometime in the spring of 2021. You can also find the original Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturnal on the PlayStation 2 worldwide.