Nintendo Switch still limits tweets to 140 characters

In the picture: The author makes amazing tweets on his Nintendo Switch.

In the picture: The author makes amazing tweets on his Nintendo Switch.
Photo: Nintendo

Although Twitter increased the post character limits from 140 to 280 in late 2017, Nintendo has yet to reflect this change through the Switch’s screenshot and video sharing functionality. As someone who spends much of the day reading Twitter and crying, I think this is a big problem.

This problem has bothered me for a while, but it wasn’t until share a short clip of Paper Mario: The Origami King Tonight I felt the need to go public. Many games automatically include hashtags when you share content through the Switch, and Paper Mario Is no different. But just look at how much space they take up.

Oddly, you can't take a screenshot of this page, hence the phone photo.  What are you trying to hide, Nintendo?

Oddly, you can’t take a screenshot of this page, hence the phone photo. What are you trying to hide, Nintendo?
Photo: Ian Walker

That’s over a third of the characters available for hashtags only. Sure, you can remove superfluous stuff, but how are people going to find and (most importantly) interact with your post? I need those likes and retweets from random people that I have never met and will never meet. me ask for they.

Nintendo, catch up. I need that extra space. What you are doing amounts to censorship and I will not be silent any longer.
